Foreign Nationals


Flight Officer Francis D. Milne, Royal Australian Air Force (former MIA WWII, New Guinea; group burial with American) Sec. 34, grave 4754




Name Service Branch Section Grave
Lt. William Strong, Jr. Army 3 4113
Leading Aircraftsman Leroy F. Rash, Jr. Army 6 9324
Sapper Thomas H. Dalton Engineers 18 4576
Pvt. Robert J. Watt Army 15 5
Stanley R. Hardin Army 34 2994




Name Service Branch Section Grave
Air Cadet Epifanio J. Sobrino Chilean Army 15C 596




Name Service Branch Section Grave
Maj. Nia Chien Liu Army 15 92




Name Service Branch Section Grave
1Lt. Fernand Herbert French Army 3 4141
1Lt. Jean Jegou French Army 3 4141
Capt. Gaston M. Roger Cheno French Army 3 4142
Lt. Felix Courriere French Army 3 4142
2Lt. Henri Coquelet French Army 3 4143
Sgt. Paul Temperli Army 17 19279
Gunner Felix Sabut Army 17 19405
Antoine Brun Army 17 19407
Maurice Jacquet Army 17 19156




Name Service Branch Section Grave
Anton Hilberath POW 15-C 347-1




Name Service Branch Section Grave
Airman Emmanuel Boulassikis Air Force 15 92




Name Service Branch Section Grave
Luigi Bartolucci-Dundas Navy 3 4144
Marlo Batista POW 15-C 347-4
Cpl. Arcangelo Prudenza POW 15-C 347-5
Nicola Scotti Army 17 19393


Name Service Branch Section Grave
Cmdr. Anne Faber (man's name) Navy 15 90
2LT Bernardus Pieter de Wit Royal Netherlands Marines 15 89
Lt. Cmdr. Dirk Van Beusekom Navy 15 87
SGT Gerrit Van Pelt Royal Netherlands Marines 15 599



South Africa

Name Service Branch Section Grave
Lt. V. Potgeiter Royal Air Force 2 3435-F



South Vietnam

Name Service Branch Section Grave
Major Phao Van Vu Army 60 7898



South Vietnam Unknowns

Two South Vietnamese Unknown Pilots were buried in a group burial of former MIAs including Staff Sgt. Richard Fitts in sec. 34 # 4524. They were missing in action in Laos from 1968 to 1990 when they were interred together in March.
Seven unknown South Vietnamese are interred in a group burial which includes Sp4 Joel C. Hartley, USA, Sp4 Michael E. King, USA, WO1 Ralph A. Moriera, USA and CPT David Nelson, from a downed helicopter in South Vietnam on March 5, 1971. Section 34/4439



United Kingdom

Name Service Branch Section Grave
Field Marshall Sir John Dill Army 32 S-29
Maj. Gen. Orde C. Wingate Royal Artillery 12 288
Capt. George Henry Borrow British Army 12 288
Mr. Stewart Emeny War Correspondent    
Lt. Col. E. H. Hiscocks Army 2 3435-F
Major Cifford Roy Forbes-Harris Royal Air Force 2 3435-F
Aircraftman second class (AC2) A. (Alojz) Poberja Royal Air Force 2 3435-F
Capt. G. Watson Army    
Capt. K. W. C. Thomas Army    
Wing Cmdr. Harry J. Maxted Royal Air Force 15 95
Maj. Alexander R. Moir Army 15 97
Squad Leader Basil W. Howe Royal Air Force 15 98
ERA 2Cl Harold G. Davis Royal Navy 15 84
Section Officer Ruth P. Watson WAAF 15 88
Officer Monica N. Daventry WAAF 15 88
Pvt. Elmer Darrock Royal Marines 17 19325
Capt. W. F. Fitch British Military Mission 3 4139
Seaman William Kelly Royal Navy 17 19399
Able Seaman Herbert Thomas Royal Navy 17 19400
Able Seaman Joseph Prowse Royal Navy 17 19515
Pvt. James Schofield Royal Marines 17 19518
Mr. Thomas H. Symons Royal Navy Writer 17
Maj. Charles H. Lyell Royal Garrison Artillery 3 4140
Capt. A. Mackintosh Royal Horse Guards 3 4140 WH
Flying Officer Roy Albert Arthur Cannon Royal Air Force 34 2084
Flight Lieutenant Thomas John Donald Cooke Royal Air Force 34 2084



Past temporary storage in the Mast of the USS Maine

Two foreign nationals who rested temporarily in the Mast of the USS Maine Monument until their burial in their home country are:

President Manuel Quezon y Molina, Republic of the Philippines (in 1944)

Prime Minister Ignacy Jan Paderewski, Republic of Poland (first president) (from July 5, 1941 until June 27, 1992, 51 years).



Australia 1
Canada 5
Chile 1
China 1
France 9
Germany (1 POW)
Greece 1
Italy 4 (2 POW)
Netherlands 4
South Africa 1
South Vietnam 10
United Kingdom 26
  Total: 65