Privacy Act System of Records Notices

Published, April 8, 2013

The Privacy Act allows executive branch agencies to collect, maintain and disseminate information on individuals affiliated with that agency. The Department of the Navy does not maintain information about individuals who have never been affiliated with the Department.

The DON's inventory of Privacy Act System of Records Notices (SORNs) identifies under "exemptions claimed for this system" those systems that are exempt from access under the provisions of the Privacy Act. A listing of the DON's exempt system of records notices is located at 32 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 701.

The following links provide access to all Department of Defense SORNs by DoD agency, as well as direct links to Navy and Marine Corps SORNs. In addition a link is provided to government-wide SORNs.

Privacy Act SORNs are a blueprint for collecting, maintaining and disseminating information.

Privacy Act systems managers are responsible for ensuring that files are accurate, timely, and complete, and comply with the provisions of the Privacy Act. They are encouraged to train their personnel on the handling of such records and should post their systems notices so that personnel assigned responsibility for handling such records understand their responsibilities.

Privacy Act systems managers are required to review their systems notices annually and provide CNO DNS-36 with any required changes.

They are also responsible for responding to Privacy Act requests for records under their cognizance, as well as correcting/amending records.

Individuals seeking access to a particular systems notice should review the Notification Procedure, Record Access Procedure, and Retention and Disposal areas listed in the systems notice.

The DON receives hundreds of requests from former military members for access to their personnel and medical records. Please be advised that such records are held by the director, National Personnel Records Center (Military Personnel Records). To request copies please visit: Military Service Records requests.

Individuals seeking access to records of former members should include a release authorization from the member or proof that they are deceased if they wish the maximum information to be released. Without such authorization, only minimal information can be released.

The personnel file of former civilian employees is held by the director, National Personnel Records Center (Civilian Personnel Records). To request copies please visit: Federal Civilian Employees Official Personnel Folders (OPF) requests.

Inquiries may be directed to the Department of the Navy's Privacy Act Manager, Robin W. Patterson;

Inquiries unique to the Marine Corps may be directed to either Sally Hughes; or LaDonne White;

TAGS: IDManagement, Privacy, RM

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