The Mobile Health Blog

While attending the first-ever Military and VA Resiliency Summit in San Diego last month, I had two epiphanies while listening to keynote speaker Dr. Deepak Chopra:

One of our December blogs described a young vet who said he would be reluctant to talk to a psychologist because he feared his gun would be taken away. To present the provider’s side of this story is one of T2’s psychologists.

In a previous Mobile Health blog, T2’s usability expert Jenn June described how both civilian and military health providers are beginning to embrace mobile technologies to deliver evidence-based psychological health treatment.

It’s the end of January—have you already given up on your New Year’s resolution? If your goal was health-related, that could mean missing out on some potentially life-changing benefits. Change is hard, but techniques used to successfully train dolphins might help you take another pass at that resolution.

Working in T2’s usability lab, the Technology Enhancement Center, my team and I get to talk to quite a few health providers about their clinical practice—specifically, if and how they use smartphones and mobile apps with their patients.
