Federal and International Cataloging

Cataloging applications enable authorized submitters to input cataloging requests for new National Stock Number (NSN) assignment, maintenance and collaboration. Also enables users to perform inquiries on cataloging requests to obtain status.

Catalog Tools Tables contain data required to maintain the characteristics portion of the Federal Catalog System (FCS). Tables are categorized as primarily oriented to Item Names, Federal Supply Class (FSC), Federal Supply Group (FSG), Edit Guides, Master Requirements Directory (MRD), MRD Traditional Version, Drawing Cross Reference files, Reference Drawing Group (RDG) files, Federal Item Identification Guides (FFIG), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) H6 file, Taxonomy Tables, or the Item Identification Guides (IIG). Tables are updated monthly.

DD1685 is an electronic form for data exchange and/or proposed revision of cataloging data.

DD180 is a request for all Characteristic actions such as Approved Item Name, Cancel Approved Item Name, Cancel/Replace Approved Item name, New Master Requirement Codes, New Reply Codes, etc…

Demilitarization (DEMIL) Coding allows users to research DEMIL codes, request a review and verification of Federal Logistics Information System (FLIS) DEMIL codes or find a Department of Defense Demilitarization Management Coding Office (DDCMO) point of contact.

Department of Defense (DOD) Defense Standardization Program promotes standardization of materiel, facilities, and engineering practices to improve military operational readiness, and reduce total ownership costs and acquisition cycle time. It is also DOD policy to state requirements in performance terms, wherever practical, and to make maximum use of non-Government standards and commercial technologies, products, and practices.

Electronic Cataloging (E-Cat) is a Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Logistics Information Services Web based application designed to allow registered users the ability to query the status of cataloging requests and submit requests for catalog action.

Federal Logistics Information System (FLIS) Technical Procedures
This site provides the official publication of the FLIS Technical Procedures, formerly published under the authority of the Department of Defense (DOD) Directive 4100.39M.  These procedures contain information on system concepts, maintenance, and system content.  They are used DOD wide to promote a uniform system of item identification and operational effectiveness within DOD components and to establish and maintain a National Stock Number (NSN).

Foreign Military Sales (FMS) provides information on establishing FMS cases for cataloging services and logistics data products that are produced by Logistics Information Services.

H2 Federal Supply Classification (FSC) provides search capability of Federal Supply Groups and Classes with definitions.

H6 Item Name Directory provides search capability of Item Names based on FSC, keyword search, Item Name Code and Item Identification Guide.

Interactive Government Industry Data Edit Review (iGIRDER) is a manufacturers tool (database) that allows manufacturers, vendors and suppliers the ability to review and (or) update product information that is recorded in the Federal Catalog System (FCS).

International Cataloging/Codification applications enable authorized submitters to input cataloging requests for new National Stock Number (NSN) assignment, maintenance and collaboration on items of supply where the design control is held by the United States (U.S.) or where the design control is held by Partner Nations.

Item Identification Guides (IIG) listing that outlines the characteristics data requirements for Approved Item Names to accurately describe Items of Supply. Also provides official notification of FSC actions (C/F Letters) as well as the link to the DD180 Characteristic Action PDF form.

Logistics Online Access (LOLA) Update is an application that allows authorized users to create and maintain National Stock Numbers (NSNs) and related data within the Federal Logistics Information System (FLIS).  Users may access this using LOGRUN via MIAP (Multi-Host Internet Access Portal) or LOLA Classic via a web interface.

National Stock Number (NSN) Assignment Flow chart gives a high level overview for the process of assigning an NSN to an item supplied by civilian vendors to the military services.