Air Force Reserve Chaplain Program

Unit Chaplain Assistant

Unit Chaplain AssistantThe Category "A" Program (Cat A) is administered from Headquarters, Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC)/HC, 255 Richard Ray Blvd, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, 31098-1637, phone toll free 1-800-223-1784, ext 71475, or DSN 497-1475.

Chaplain Assistants in this program serve at a unit stationed in the United States. Most units are collocated on active Air Force bases; some are on Air Reserve bases; and a few are at local airports. The Religious Support Team (RST) has total responsibility for the chapel ministry in its unit, and train with its unit one weekend a month.

Unit Chaplain Assistants function like their active duty counterparts: The primary role of Chaplain Assistants is to provide support for ministry. This is done not only through administrative means, but also as the "eyes and ears" of chaplains on deployments, visitations, and a wide variety of other exciting opportunities. They support worship services for unit members; conduct humanitarian programs; help with spiritual triage; arrange clergy days, etc.

Chaplain Assistants perform their Unit Training Assemblies (UTAs) at their unit each month. These are all paid positions. Besides the monthly UTA, Chaplain Assistants perform an annual tour of two weeks. AFRC Chaplain Assistants attend the regular courses offered at the USAF Chaplain Corps College, Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Chaplain Assistants are also eligible for short tours to augment the active duty and for "exercises."

The Category "A" program is part of our nation's deterrent force. Thus, training is the name of the game. Chaplains Assistants, like all other members of the unit, take part in all the testing and training that makes up a weekend of duty. They train to deploy to an Air Expeditionary Force individually or as a Religious Support Team (one Chaplain and one Chaplain Assistant). Reserve Chaplain Assistants are expected to take part in the same Career Development Courses (CDC) as active duty enlisted personnel.

As indicated, most of the Category A units are located on active duty bases. As such, the reserve chaplain teams are expected to stay in close touch with their active duty counterparts. Much good can come of this close association. Both sides will benefit from this Total Force experience.