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  • Know a Hero? “DCoE in Action” Wants Your Nominations

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    We know that there are many people who work hard to make a difference in the lives of service members and military families each day, and we want to recognize them. The January edition of “DCoE in Action” launched a new feature in the newsletter, “Hero Spotlight”.

    It’s simple. Here’s how it works.

    Each month, “DCoE in Action” will spotlight a service member, veteran, spouse, caregiver or community member who, by their efforts and support related to psychological health and/or traumatic brain injury concerns, is nominated by YOU as a hero.

    To submit your nominee, you’ll need to tell us why you think he or she should be spotlighted and what makes them a hero to you and others. If you know someone who you think would be a great candidate, we want to hear from you.

  • White House Announces Increased Military Family Support

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    President Barack Obama announces a new government-wide initiative to benefit military families as Dr. Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, and First Lady Michelle Obama look on during a Jan. 24, 2011, White House event. (DoD photo by Elaine Wilson)

    President Barack Obama announced earlier this week, a government-wide plan to strengthen military family support. In addition to supporting the service member, this new approach recognizes the importance of providing family members with the support, programs and resources they deserve and need. It’s an interagency commitment, which includes the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs and agencies all across the federal government, to improve the well-being and quality of life for military families.

    “It’s not just a moral obligation, but a matter of national security. The readiness of our armed forces depends on the readiness of our military families,” said Obama.

    The latest whole-of-government approach is the result of a yearlong review of military family support that Obama issued to understand the unique challenges and identify the most pressing issues that service members and families face. The report, titled “Strengthening our Military Families: Meeting America’s Commitment” presents new programs and initiatives government agencies plan to launch in the pending months.

  • DCoE Workshop Addresses Behavioral Health of Military Troops

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    U.S. Army photo

    To help providers care for wounded warriors with invisible wounds, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI), the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE) held a workshop earlier this month at Howard University in Washington, DC.

    The workshop, “Addressing the Behavioral Health of Military Troops”, discussed the unique cultural and clinical concerns of service members and others in the military community. Presenters highlighted three major areas:

    • Military culture and deployment-cycle stress or impact on service members and their families
    • Common post-deployment clinical concerns like depression, sleep problems, PTSD and TBI
    • Evidence-based treatments for PTSD, including prolonged exposure therapy and cognitive processing therapy
  • Frontline Psych with Doc Bender: Get the Best Out of Your Mental Health Treatment

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    Doc Bender on top of the Ziggurat of Ur in Southern Iraq, in February 2009.

    Dr. James Bender spent 12 months as the brigade psychologist for the 4-1 CAV out of Ft. Hood. He served for four and a half years in the Army. During his deployment, he traveled through Southern Iraq, from Basra to Baghdad and many spots in between. He writes a monthly post for the DCoE Blog on mental health concerns related to deployment and being in the military.

    Hello. This month I’d like to direct my column to service members who are either in or considering mental health treatment. When I was seeing patients, I often could tell who would get better and who would not. The patients who improved were the ones who wanted to do what ever it took to get better. They weren’t passive; they asked questions and acted on information I gave them.

    Mental health concerns are treatable and getting treatment if you need it is one of the best things you can do for yourself and those around you. There are things you can do that will improve your mental health treatment; here are a few:

  • DCoE Monthly Webinar: Best Practices in Peer-to-Peer Support Programs

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    A Soldier receives support from his battle-buddies as they walk off of the obstacle course during the Spur Ride. Soldiers are mentally and physically pushed to their limits through a sixteen-hour event that tests the Soldiers' abilities. (U.S. Army photo by SSG Dan Yarnall)

    Service members and veterans often feel a strong connection with their peers. Shared experiences, particularly combat related experiences, create close bonds between people. There’s a sense that because of their shared experiences they can better relate to and better understand each other. Because of this, the military and many outside organizations have developed peer-to-peer support programs as a way to provide mentoring and support to groups with shared experiences.

    To learn more about peer support, join us Jan. 27, 2010 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. for our monthly webinar “Best Practices in Peer-to-Peer Support Programs”. We’ll take a look at some successful peer support models and discuss significant program elements and actionable options for Defense Department leaders, program managers and practitioners.

  • T2 Aims to Help Those with PTSD through New Virtual World

    (Audio will begin at 00:32 mark)

    The National Center for Telehealth and Technology (T2), a DCoE component center, created the ‘Virtual PTSD Experience’ based in Second Life, to help combat veterans and others experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Visitors enter the virtual world through a Department of Defense (DoD) virtual space to learn about PTSD causes, symptoms and resources.