U.S. Army Reserve


The Army Reserve provides approximately 87 percent of the Army’s legal units and approximately 40 percent of the Army’s attorneys.

The Army Reserve Legal Command has mission command of 1,800 personnel stationed in 104 cities in 43 states in the continental U.S. and two OCONUS locations. It is home to 65 percent of all Army Reserve legal assets, which includes judge advocates, warrant officers, paralegal noncommissioned officers, junior enlisted personnel, and civilian para-professionals. Twenty eight legal operations detachments rely on the legal command headquarters for training, equipping, managing, supporting, and mobilizing legal assets, with professional legal forces ready to provide multi-functional legal operational support.

Unlike any other command in the Army Reserve, the Legal Command maintains dual responsibilities: 1) to serve the legal needs of the Army Reserve Soldiers, Families, and Retirees, on a daily basis and; 2) to train and mobilize with the Active Army to provide forward deployed support and backfill support to Active Duty units and installation legal offices.

The Army Reserve Legal Readiness Command (Provisional) was established on May 18, 2006. After several name changes and reallocations, the Army Reserve Legal Command (minus the “provisional”) was formally organized by permanent order on September 16, 2009, and later assigned as a direct reporting unit to U.S. Army Reserve Command.

Legal Command Leaders

Legal Operational Support
Trial Defense
• Command Legal Support
• Judge teams
• Legal Assistance to Soldiers
• Domestic Legal Support to Civil Authorities
• International Education and Training
April 30, 2015 - On another warm sunny day, the 104th Training Division (LT) started early, preparing the range for the 12th Legal Operations Detachment located on Fort Jackson, South Carolina. The 104th Timberwolves were there to support the LOD in weapons PMI, zero and qualification of M16s and M9s.
February 28, 2014 - The United States Army Reserve Legal Command’s 134th Legal Operations Detachment received the Reserve Family Readiness Award for 2013 during a ceremony held at the Pentagon on Feb. 28, 2014.

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