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Accident Investigation Advice (AIA)

This site is here to assist those individuals who have been tasked to perform an Installation-Level Accident Investigation (IAI) for Class A, B, and C aviation accidents, and Class A and B on-duty ground accidents (IAW AR 385-10, paragraph 3-13). Assistance is also available for all other accident investigations as requested. Click the email link to contact the appropriate individual.


Comm: (334) 255-3493
DSN: 558-3493

Ground & Civilian:

Comm: (334) 255-2256
DSN: 558-2256

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: Can the unit use depreciated cost when calculating the ECOD of aircraft?
A: Yes, calculate the cost IAW DA PAM 385-40, Para. 1-10. b.

Q: What items must be included in the ECOD for aircraft?
A: Destroyed aircraft will be computed per aircraft replacement cost figures obtained from TB 43-0002-3. Include the cost of all modifications. Modifications include all equipment that was added to a brand new aircraft. DA PAM 385-10 Para. 1-10. b.(1)

Q: If a separate unit incorrectly rigs a sling load, which subsequently fails in flight, which unit is responsible to conduct the investigation?
A: When personnel or materiel involved in an accident are from units under the command of different GCMCAs, the convening authorities concerned should agree on who will appoint the board. Their decision should be based on their relative degrees of involvement as well as considerations of administrative convenience. If an agreement cannot be reached, the decision will be made by the first general officer in both chains of command or by the respective Army Headquarters commanders. AR 385-10, Para. 3-12.

Q: What does the unit do with the destroyed aircraft?
A: Units should check with the legal office and S4 for final disposition of the aircraft once all investigations are complete. Contact the USACRC Legal Officer for additional guidance.

Q: Do I need to submit any forms for an aviation or ground accident which did not exceed $5,000 in cost (no injuries).
A: No, accidents below $5,000 are not tracked by the USACRC and do not require any forms to be submitted. Units SOPs may vary however; units should consider tracking these events to enable trend analysis.