mTBI Pocket Guide

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Pocket Guide

The Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Pocket Guide mobile application for health care providers gives instant access to a comprehensive quick-reference guide on improving care for mTBI patients. Designed to reflect current clinical standards of care, the mTBI Pocket Guide mobile application can help you improve quality of care and clinical outcomes for patients.

Military and civilian physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and related treatment and therapy providers can use the application to find information on assessing, treating, and managing common symptoms of mTBI patients.

The mTBI Pocket Guide mobile app offers clinicians a wide range of diagnostic, treatment and information resources:

  • Definitions, causes and severity ratings for mTBI
  • Department of Defense mTBI Clinical Guidance
  • VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline for Concussion/mTBI symptom management
  • Summary of cognitive rehabilitation clinical recommendations for mTBI
  • Clinical recommendations on driving assessment after mTBI
  • Consolidated ICD-9 TBI coding tool for providers
  • Examples of clinical tools and resources, and how to obtain them
  • Examples of patient education materials, and where to obtain them

The mTBI Pocket Guide mobile app was designed by the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury and developed at the National Center for Telehealth & Technology.

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Android Version:

  • MTBI Screenshot 1
  • MTBI Screenshot 2
  • MTBI Screenshot 3

iOS Version: