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DSN Interconnection with the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD)
Defence Fixed Telecommunications Service (DFTS)

We are pleased to announce that the Defense Switched Network (DSN) Gateway Interconnection with the British Defence Fixed Telecommunications Service (DFTS) is fully operational. This new service will provide direct dial access to the British DFTS. This service is being provided under a US/UK agreement to share voice services between the two national systems.

This new interface will also allow limited access to telephone directory listing information between the two systems. The service is being provided through implementation of five special DSN area codes (202-206). These area codes were implemented to provide a truly seamless interface for DSN users by simply preceding the 8-digit DFTS telephone numbers with "20". From the DFTS side of the interface, a user simply inserts the access/gateway code of "9205" before the 10 digit DSN telephone number, i.e. 9205-312-381-XXXX

DFTS Information