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Active Duty for Operational Support (ADOS)


ADOS translates to Active Duty for Operational Support. The Army Corps of Engineers OP-ADOS program uses volunteer Reserve Component Soldiers on active duty to complete critical missions – from supporting flood fights in St. Louis to supervising the U.S. Forces Korea relocation project – when assigned personnel cannot complete these requirements.


The program can be requested by any Soldier and organization looking to support and strengthen their footprint within their central Command or they can support other Commands thru cross-level requests if the organization has an official billet, position and mission purpose. USACE OP-ADOS Soldiers provide critical skills such as technical engineering, contract management, human resources, emergency management, and disaster response support worldwide, including the Omaha District, St. Louis District, Minneapolis District, Europe District, Honolulu District, Kansas City District, Japan District, Far East District, New York City, and Atlanta, GA.


The Army is building its bench of skilled and experienced Reserve Component professionals. Other than a combat deployment, most Soldiers will not get the on-the-job experience and professional development they get during a tour with a dynamic organization like USACE – also known as broadening assignments. Reserve Component Soldiers bring unique civilian skills such as small business management and advanced engineering degrees, making them particularly well-suited for emergency and disaster response, a vital mission of the US Army Corps of Engineers both at home and abroad. USACE OP-ADOS fills critical gaps in emergency response and management requirements. OP-ADOS Soldiers also deliver a cost savings to USACE and the government for a direct funded organization.


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Reserve Component Mobilization Team
Mobilization NCOIC: 202-761-7501
Mobilization NCO: 202-761-5384


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HQ
G3, ADOS Requirements Manager
441 G Street NW
Washington, DC 20314-1000