Training & Leader Development

The 2017 ACTEDS Catalog
Table of Contents

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spacerChapter 1 Army Civilian Education System

Introduction & CES and CHRTAS
Action Officer Development Course (AODC)
Supervisor Development Course (SDC)
Foundation Course (FC)
Basic Course (BC)
Intermediate Course (IC)
Manager Development Course (MDC)
Advanced Course (AC)
Continuing Education for Senior Leaders (CESL)
spacerChapter 2 Senior Service College (SSC) Programs

General Information
SSC Graduate Placement Program (SSC GPP)
Administrative Procedures - Post Selection
Command and General Staff Officer Course /Professional Military Education (CGSOC/PME) Programs
Army War College (AWC)
Army War College - Distance Education Program (AWCDEP)
Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy (formerly ICAF)
spacerChapter 3 Functional Chief Representative (FCR)
Competitive Professional Development (CPD) and
Short Term Training (STT) Programs

General Information
Administrative Procedures - Post Selection
RASS, and Funding Procedures

Section I Individual Career Program Opportunities

CP-10, Civilian Human Resource Management
CP-11, Comptroller
CP-12, Safety and Occupational Health Management
CP-13, Supply Management
CP-14, Contracting and Acquisition
CP-15, Quality and Reliability Assurance
CP-16, Engineers and Scientists (Non-Construction)
CP-17, Materiel Maintenance Management
CP-18, Engineers and Scientists (Resources and Construction)
CP-19, Physical Security and Law Enforcement
CP-20, Quality Assurance Specialist (Ammunition Surveillance)
CP-22, Public Affairs and Communications Media
CP-24, Transportation and Distribution Management
CP-26, Manpower and Force Management
CP-27, Housing Management
CP-28, Equal Employment Opportunity
CP-29, Installation Management
CP-31, Education Services
CP-32, Training, Capability, and Doctrine Warfighting Developers
CP-33, Ammunition Management
CP-34, Information Technology Management
CP-35, Intelligence and Security
CP-36, Analysis, Modeling and Simulation
CP-50, Human Resources (Military)
CP-51, General Administration and Management
CP-53, Medical
CP-55, Inspector General
CP-56, Legal
CP-60, Foreign Affairs/Strategic Planning
CP-61, Historian, Archivist, and Museum Professionals
CP-64, Aviation
CF-51, MWR Career Field (NOTE: Content located outside CPOL)

Section II Opportunities Open to All Career Programs

Army Congressional Fellowship Program (ACFP)
Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) Opportunities
spacerChapter 4 Government/Non-Government Training

Section I:    Government Programs

Academic Degree Training (ADT)
DOD   Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP)
Defense Senior Leader Development Program (DSLDP)
Leadership for a Democratic Society (LDS) at the Federal Executive Institute (FEI)
Long-Term Training - House Appropriations Committee
Senior Leader Seminar: Senior Leader Development Course

Section II:    Non-Government Programs

Harvard University Program for Senior Executive Fellows (SEF)
Senior Manager Course (SMC) in National Security Leadership
spacerChapter 5 Career Field Training

Army Curatorial Methods Training Course (Advanced)
Army Museum Information System User Certification Course *
 (* Includes Basic Curatorial Methods Training Course)
Military Personnel Technicians Developmental Assignments
U.S. Army Museum Training Course

spacer Appendices

spacerAppendix A Calendar of Professional & Long-Term Training (LTT) Programs
spacerAppendix B List of Acronyms
spacerAppendix C Long-Term Training (LTT) Guide
spacerAppendix D Online Forms