U.S. Army Reserve



Generating readiness through partnership.


The Private Public Partnership Office (P3O) develops, integrates and directs partner relations for the Army Reserve.  P3O partners with not-for-profit (NFP), for-profit (FP) and academic organizations to support the Chief, Army Reserve's top priorities and the Army Reserve Mission of providing trained, equipped and ready Soldiers, Leaders and units to meet America’s requirements at home and abroad.

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The goal of the Private Public Partnership is to establish mutually beneficial relationships between the U.S. Army Reserve and private and public sector organizations to create opportunities for:
•  Soldiers to increase their readiness on the unit, leader, and individual levels: thereby enhancing their value to their families and communities and their readiness to protect and serve the American public.

•  The Army Reserve and the civilian world to mutually contribute to national emergency response and peace and stability operations around the world.

•  Army Reserve Soldiers to train in the real world, life supporting and life sustaining missions


Through projects with private sector partners, Army Reserve units and Soldiers gain access to unique training opportunities and the ability to apply their expertise and leadership skills to real world projects that correlate with their military experience.

By introducing partner relationships in support of Geographic Combatant Command requirements, the Army Reserve is poised to offer greater capability in preventing and shaping operations throughout the world -



As a life-saving and life-sustaining force, the Army Reserve supports a wide range of operations that include humanitarian relief and assistance, support to civilian authorities within the United States and other types of partner-nation capacity building missions.

The Army Reserve partners with private sector partners, profit, non-profit, academia, and non-governmental organization (NGO) that assist with such efforts as providing clean water, a safer environment, improvements for schools and health clinics, medical treatment and life-skills education.

Army Reserve Soldiers live and work in both the civilian and military communities and are linked to civilian skills and resources. 

P3 Working For You

Private and public section partners benefit by getting access to the best, brightest and most highly-trained USAR units and Soldiers.

Philanthropic organizations or companies with philanthropic foundations have the opportunity to provide resources to respond to national emergencies and support peace and stability operations around the world in support of military commands and their work with civilian populations.

Soldiers benefit by gaining access to unique training opportunities that help them in their military and civilian careers and help advance their leader readiness and individual readiness. Soldiers will also have increased opportunities to serve in real world missions working with local populations and integrating into larger, joint and inter-agency teams.

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The Army Reserve builds partnerships with private and public organizations in order to maximize success at home and abroad while advancing individual, leader, and unit readiness.

Individual Readiness: 
In collaboration with organizations that advance employment, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, and Family wellness, we increase the overall readiness of our Soldiers, Civilians, and Family Members.

Leader Readiness:
By partnering with organizations that provide opportunities for professional and trade career development, mentor-protégé, credentialing, and certifications as well as provide training and licensure opportunities that are recognized by the civilian sector, we increase our leader readiness.

Unit Readiness: 
We leverage partnerships to enhance training both in and out of the continental United States while supporting missions for the Geographic Combatant Commands and Army Service Component Commands.


VOW Training Requirements for Mobilization over 179 days

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