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Career and Recruitment Fairs

 Event Date(s) Location
 BEYA 19-20 Feb Philadelphia, PA
SAME Career Workshop 24-25 Mar Baltimore, MD
 NSBE 24-25 Mar Boston, MA
DoD Hiring Heroes 09 Mar JB San Antonio, TX
DoD Hiring Heroes June JB Myer-Henderson Hall, VA
DoD Hiring Heroes 15 Jun Fort Campbell, KY
DoD Hiring Heroes 20 Jul Camp Pendelton, CA
DoD Hiring Heroes 14 Sep JB San Antonio, TX
AUSA 04 Oct Washington, DC
Women of Color 15 Oct Detroit, MI
HENAAC 08 Oct Anaheim, CA
HACU 09 Oct San Antonio, TX
 SASE 18 Oct Dallas, TX
Society Women Engrs 28-29 Oct Philadelphia, PA
DoD Hiring Heroes  Nov JB Myer-Henderson Hall
 AISES 11-12 Nov  Minneapolis, MN 
SHPE  Nov  Seattle, WA