IM/IT Strategy

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Chief Information Officer Authorities

OMB Memo - August 8, 2011

This memo is designed to clarify the primary area of responsibility for agency chief information officers (CIOs) throughout the government, as identified in the 25 Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal Information Technology Management. It discusses the changing role of agency CIOs away from just policymaking and infrastructure maintenance t

Electromagnetic Environment Policy and Management

SECNAVINST 2400.2 - August 1, 2011

This instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for reliable, safe and mission capable operations of all systems, equipment and subsystems within their intended operational electromagnetic environment. The electromagnetic environment is composed of all electromagnetic energy from known and unknown sources. This includes manmade emissions from communications equipment and systems, commercial systems, ...

DON Navy Marine Corps Portal Environment Strategy

DON CIO Memo - July 7, 2011

This memo directs the consolidation of the Department of the Navy's portal and web services into an integrated and centrally governed Navy Marine Corps Portal Environment (NMCP) to enhance an effective security posture and to ensure mission effectiveness, cost savings, interoperability and ease of use. It establishes the vision, goal, objectives and governance to be used to create the framework and enable the DON to ...

Organizational Realignments and Designation as the DON DCIO (Navy) and the DON DCIO (Marine Corps)

UNSECNAV Memo - May 11, 2011

The purpose of this memo is to establish a common enterprise approach between the functions of the DON CIO and the Navy and Marine Corps. This renewed approach is designed to strengthen the integration and success of the Department's IM, IT (to include national security systems) and cyberspace (excluding intel, attack and exploit), and information resource management operations, procurement and business processes.

DON Information Enterprise Governance Board Charter

UNSECNAV Memo - March 1, 2011

This charter establishes the Department of the Navy Information Enterprise Governance Board (IGB) as the Department's single, senior governance forum for information management, information technology (to include national security systems) and cyberspace, and information resources management matters. The IGB is empowered to function as both a decision-making and an advisory forum.

Consideration of Costs in the DON Decision Making

DON/AA Memo - January 27, 2011

Pursuant to the memo "Consideration of Costs in DoD Decision-Making" released by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, effective Feb. 1, 2011, all military departments will use the tools available on OSD's Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE) website located at to calculate costs associated with preparin

DON Information Technology/Cyberspace Efficiency Initiatives and Realignment Tasking

DON CIO Memo - December 20, 2010

This memo establishes Department of the Navy information technology/cyberspace policy and governance strategy to meet the long-term objectives of the Department's information management, IT/cyberspace and information resources management efficiency and effectiveness goals. The memo also outlines initial DON IT/cyberspace efficiency focus areas.

DON Information Technology/Cyberspace Efficiency Initiatives and Realignment

UNSECNAV Memo - December 3, 2010

This memo addresses information technology/cyberspace efficiency initiatives and realignment in the Department of the Navy. It underscores the challenge by the Secretary of Defense to think about the DON's approach to IT initiatives and to centralize and consolidate efforts where it makes sense. This memo directs the DON Chief Information Officer to take the lead for the Department for this endeavor, noting that it is a ...

DoD Policy and Responsibilities for Critical Infrastructure

DoD Directive 3020.40 - January 14, 2010

This directive establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the execution of roles assigned to the Department of Defense pursuant to Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7 and DoDD 5220.22, and ensures consistency with applicable provisions of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan and compliance with applicable provisions of part 29 of title 6, Code of Federal Regulations.

Guidelines for Secure Use of Social Media by Federal Departments and Agencies, v1.0

Federal CIO Council Guidance - September 23, 2009

The use of social media for federal services and interactions is growing tremendously, supported by initiatives from the administration, directives from government leaders, and demands from the public. This situation presents both opportunity and risk. Guidelines and recommendations for using social media technologies in a manner that minimizes the risk are analyzed and presented in this document. This document is ...

Security of Unclassified DoD Information on Non-DoD Information Systems

ASD(NII) Directive-Type Memorandum 08-027 - July 31, 2009

This Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information Integration) Directive-Type Memorandum establishes policy for managing the security of unclassified Department of Defense information on non-DoD information systems. A list of frequently asked questions provides information and direction for implementation in the Department of the Navy.

Web 3.0 Capabilities and Social Networking Sites

DoD Memo - July 31, 2009

This memo directs the Department of Defense Chief Information Officer to present to the Secretary of Defense the threats and benefits, as well as policy and processes, to ensure the responsible and effective use of emerging Internet-based capabilities.

DON Enterprise Architecture: Battlespace Awareness, Command and Control, and Net-Centric Communities of Practice

DON CIO Memo - June 30, 2009

This memorandum builds upon the Department of the Navy Enterprise Architecture Strategy Memo that was released on Feb. 18, 2009. This memo is part of a series of policy documents that articulate the DON strategy for development, management and use of the DON EA. Operational Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) shall comprise Communities of Practice (COP) that will provide and validate operational content within DON Segment

DON Enterprise Architecture Implementation Strategy: Establishing Foundational Elements

DON CIO Memo - June 12, 2009

This memorandum is part of a series of policy documents that articulate the DON strategy for development, management and use of the DON EA. As stated in this memo, DON CIO, Deputy DON CIO (Navy), Deputy DON CIO (USMC), Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition -- Chief System Engineer (ASN (RDA) CHSENG) will work together to create the following foundational elements: DON EA Repository ...

IM/IT Policy for Enterprise Interoperability Across the DON Next Generation Enterprise Network

DON CIO Memo - May 15, 2009

Enterprise interoperability across the Next Generation Enterprise Network (NGEN) is a critical component of ensuring that NGEN becomes the first step toward achieving the Naval Networking Environment (NNE) 2016 vision and strategy, of ubiquitous access to data and services across the Department of the Navy. This policy memo mandates the implementation of four critical initial enterprise interoperability capabilities as ...

Computer Network Defense Roadmap 2009

DON Guidance - April 28, 2009

The purpose of the Department of the Navy Computer Network Defense (CND) Roadmap is to communicate the DON strategy for sustaining and improving CND now and in the future as the DON transitions to the Naval Networking Environment (NNE). In this age of network-centric warfare, computer and network technologies are diffused into virtually all military systems, and interconnected military units operate cohesively. CND is ...

DON Strategy for Green IT Electronic Stewardship and Energy Savings

Joint Memo - April 23, 2009

This memo announces the initial criteria for "green" IT energy efficiency and that a series of policy memoranda will be issued to outline specific plans and/or procedures as well as goals and standards to address objectives for electronic stewardship and energy savings of information technology, or green IT. Additionally, it requires Command Information Officers within 45 days of the signature date of this memo to ...

Cyberspace Policy and Administration Within the DON

SECNAVINST 3052.2 - March 6, 2009

This instruction establishes policies and responsibilities for the administration of cyberspace within the Department of the Navy.

Implementation and Use of DON Enterprise Architecture Hierarchy

DON CIO Memo - January 6, 2009

This memo promulgates policy defining the initial implementation and directs the use of the DON Enterprise Architecture (EA) Hierarchy. The DON EA Hierarchy provides a structure to relate the complete set of activities occurring within the DON. The hierarchy is a key component of the DON EA intended to provide a means for senior leaders to make informed decisions and relate activities and capabilities within the DON to ...

Defense Critical Infrastructure Program: DoD Mission-Based Critical Asset

DoDM 3020.45, Volume 1 - October 24, 2008

This manual provides comprehensive procedures for implementation of a defense critical infrastructure (DCI) identification process across all the Department of Defense Components and defense infrastructure sectors using a mission-focused process that includes all DoD functions as described in DoDD 5100.1. All DCI assets will be designated as task critical assets, with a subset of this list being designated as defense ...

DON Naval Networking Environment (NNE)~2016 Strategic Definition, Scope and Strategy

DON Strategy Document - May 13, 2008

A multidisciplinary team from across the Department of the Navy developed this document, which outlines our future vision for a robust and highly interconnected enterprise networking capability in the 2016 timeframe to fully support the needs of our warfighting and warfighting-support organizations and personnel. The vision and strategy outlined in this document shall be used as a guide for ensuring alignment of our ...

Defense Critical Infrastructure Program Management

DoDI 3020.45 - April 21, 2008

This instruction implements and establishes policy to manage the identification, prioritization, and assessment of defense critical infrastructure (DCI) as a comprehensive program. This program shall include the development of adaptive plans and procedures to mitigate risk, restore capability in the event of loss or degradation, support incident management, and protect DCI-related sensitive information.


DON CIO Discusses Changing Requirements for the Cyber/IT Workforce

February 17, 2012

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer spoke of the need to change requirements of the Department of Navy Cyber/IT workforce to stay competitive in the rapidly changing IT environment of today. During the DON IT Conference, Terry Halvorsen, DON CIO, spoke of his multidimensional approach to further professionalize the workforce through updating skill requirements, increasing coordination with DON business ...

DON Enterprise Architecture Supports the DON IM/IT/Cyberspace Campaign Plan

by Victor Ecarma - October 27, 2011

In May 2011, the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer released the DON Information Management/Information Technology/Cyberspace Campaign Plan for Fiscal Years 2011-2013. As stated in the campaign plan, "Fiscal realities in the Defense community today and in the anticipated future will not support our continued development and delivery of Information Management (IM), Information Technology (IT) and Information ...

SPAWAR Systems Center Atlantic Data Center Unveiled

by Lonnie Cowart, SPAWAR Public Affairs - October 7, 2011

CHARLESTON, S.C. –- SPAWAR Systems Center Atlantic unveiled a new data center that will play a key role in consolidating more than 100 Navy data centers to increase effectiveness and efficiency to reduce costs while still meeting the Navy's security and operational requirements.

Reshaping the DON's Approach to Buying and Managing IT Resources

by Floyd Groce and Karen M. Davis - August 15, 2011

As all personnel within the Department of Defense and across the federal government are well aware, this is an era of increased budget scrutiny. However, with this scrutiny comes a new opportunity to assess and advance how DoD operates and to improve efficiency across a wide variety of business units and operations. As a significant budget item, the massive information technology infrastructure is no exception and offers ...

DON Manages Increasing Spectrum Encroachment

by Thomas Kidd & Mark Rossow - July 25, 2011

Naval installations have long been good neighbors with their surrounding communities. In fact, in many cases, Navy and Marine Corps bases, posts and training ranges limit some operations to preserve friendly relationships.

NMCP Strategy Document Published

July 12, 2011

The Navy Marine Corps Portal (NMCP) Environment Strategy has been released, directing the consolidation of the Department of the Navy's portal and web services into an integrated and centrally governed environment. This effort is critical to enhancing an effective security posture and to ensure mission effectiveness, cost savings, interoperability and ease of use.

DON CIO Provides Update on IT Efficiencies and Way Ahead

June 7, 2011

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer discussed the Department's work to become more effective and efficient in the information technology domain during the DON Information Technology Conference in Virginia Beach May 10-12.

Why IT Efficiencies?

by Terry Halvorsen - May 4, 2011

Why is the Department of the Navy aggressively pursuing information technology efficiencies? There are a number of contributing factors that led to the recent focus on efficiencies, but the primary catalyst is the realization by Department of Defense and DON leadership that from a fiscal perspective we cannot continue to do business the same old way, or it will adversely affect our ability to direct necessary resources ...

Information Enterprise Governance Board is Established

March 28, 2011

The Department of the Navy Information Enterprise Governance Board (IGB) was established March 1 to serve as the Department's single, senior information management, information technology/cybersecurity and information resources management (IRM) policy and governance forum. This executive board serves in both a decision-making and advisory capacity.

DON IT/Cyberspace Efficiency Initiatives and Realignment

by Lynda Pierce - January 31, 2011

The Under Secretary of the Navy, The Honorable Robert O. Work, signed a memo, dated Dec. 3, 2010, addressing information technology (IT)/cyberspace efficiency initiatives and realignment in the Department of the Navy. The memo underscores the challenge from Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) Robert Gates to think about the DON's approach to IT initiatives and to centralize and consolidate efforts where it makes sense. Work ...

Cybersecurity/IA Workforce Management Strengthened

July 8, 2010

To ensure continuous oversight and sustainment of the Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program, the Department of the Navy signed out a new instruction that further defines cybersecurity and information assurance workforce management and assigns compliance responsibilities.

Assessing Spectrum Supportability

by Tom Kidd - February 26, 2010

The electromagnetic spectrum is a critical enabler of the Department of the Navy's ability to communicate and operate in a global environment. Now more than ever before, deployed Sailors and Marines depend on the electromagnetic spectrum because it enables nearly all Navy and Marine Corps capabilities, including strategic command and control; tactical communications (airborne and ground); intelligence, surveillance and ...

Enterprise Software Initiative Included in List of 10 Most Popular Contracts

September 14, 2009

The Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative was listed as one of the 10 most popular contracts by readers of Washington Technology, Federal Computer Week (FCW) and Government Computer News.

Using Shredders Versus Shredder Services

by DON CIO Privacy Team - September 1, 2009

This Privacy Tip is a summary of input received from information assurance personnel, security personnel and privacy officials from a variety of commands across the Department of the Navy and Joint Forces Command. The information is intended to represent best business practices and should not be considered DON policy, unless otherwise noted.

Optimizing Telecom Usage While Cutting Costs: Telecommunications Expense Management in the DON

by Mike Hernon, Ken Brennan and Shirley Dolengo - August 19, 2009

The year was 1978 – the Bee Gees' "Night Fever" ruled the charts; "Mork and Mindy" first hit the airwaves; and it cost 15 cents to mail a letter, which people did a lot then because almost no one had e-mail. That year also witnessed the drafting of a Department of the Navy telecommunications policy that remains in effect today.

DoD Releases Information Systems Certification and Accreditation Reciprocity Memo

August 3, 2009

The Department of Defense has recently published the DoD Information Systems Certification and Accreditation (C&A) Reciprocity Memo signed by the DoD Principal Accrediting Authorities - senior officials who represent the interests of the Global Information Grid Mission Areas for C&A.

DON Computer Network Defense Roadmap Released

May 8, 2009

The Department of the Navy Senior Information Assurance Officer (DON SIAO) recently signed the "Department of the Navy Computer Network Defense (CND) Roadmap."

Input Sought in Developing DON IM/IT Policy

May 4, 2009

To ensure Department of the Navy Information Management and Information Technology (IM/IT) policies fully support the needs of the warfighter and all levels of the supporting establishment, the DON Chief Information Officer has begun to pilot the use of the Intelink wiki (Intellipedia) as a tool to assist in the development of proposed updates to existing policy.

Enterprise Mobility 2008 Released

April 17, 2008

The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer released Enterprise Mobility 2008, which describes how the Department is assessing and adopting commercially available wireless products. It also highlights the strides made in making information available within the mobile environment.


Key Documents

August 22, 2016

The following is a list of key strategic documents.

DTM 08-027 Frequently Asked Questions

August 20, 2009

Following the July release of Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information Integration) Directive-Type Memorandum (DTM) 08-027: "Security of Unclassified DoD Information on Non-DoD Information Systems," many questions have arisen concerning the requirements for this DTM. Below is a list of the most commonly asked questions and their answers.

The Power of Team: The Making of a CIO

December 19, 2007

The book "Power of Team: The Making of a CIO" shares the experiences and insights of the DON CIO as it constructed and implemented an agenda for the newly formed Office of the Chief Information Officer.