DCMAEmergency Resources

Emergency Resources

DCMA Emergency Hotline:
1-804-734-0000 (Press Option 3)

Ready.gov. Prepare. Plan. Stay Informed.

Staying In Touch

Sexual Assault Support for the DoD Community and the DoD Safe Helpline

National & Local Relief Agencies
Red Cross (National): 1-800-HELP-NOW (4357-669)
Your Local Red Cross

Update Your Emergency Contact Info!

Voluntarily update additional emergency contact information for receiving alert notification from the Defense Contract Management Agency Mass Notification System (DMNS) using the DMNS Self-Service Module link.

Click "My Devices" tab to enter your emergency contact information. This will allow you to expand your notification devices, such as email, smartphone and text messaging for receiving an alert notification from DMNS.

If you receive a phone call from 804-734-1353 this call is coming from the DMNS Alert Notification system.  Please respond when receiving a call from that number.

DMNS Alert Response Quick Reference Guide

DCMA: Human Resources Information

Specific/Local Emergency Information

Emergency Preparedness for All Hazards

For all employees to verify the base open or closure please dial the General Staff Duty number: 1-804-734-0000 and press Option 4. Fort Lee and Riversbend press Option 1., For DSCR press option 2. DCMA activities should continue to monitor the National Weather Service Center (NWS) and the National Hurricane Center (NHC) for guidance.

Weather - Ready Nation (NOAA)
Hurricane Preparedness
Hurricane Safety Checklist
Red Cross Emergency Preparedness Checklist
Earthquake Preparedness

WorkLife For You

To help keep our employees safe, Federal Occupational Health (FOH) wants to remind you that WorkLife4You offers 24/7 assistance to help members prepare for, and cope with, emergencies including: earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, landslides/mudslides, power outages, extreme heat, winter storms and more. We offer helpful guides that provide valuable tips to help safeguard and protect individuals who may be threatened, as well as tips for coping should an emergency impact their area.

The Safety area of the work/life web site links to a wealth of helpful resources, including Preparedness, Natural Disasters, Recovery, Outdoors and more (please note, you must log in to access this content).  And, of course, our specialists are standing by 24/7 to refer your employees to helpful resources including shelters, emergency programs, the Red Cross and other national and local resources.

To help employees impacted by the power outages in central and eastern U.S., the Outdoors and Power Outage topics on the work/life web site link to a wealth of helpful resources (please note, you must log in to access this content). And, of course, our specialists are also standing by 24/7 to refer your employees to helpful resources including cooling centers, shelters, emergency programs, the Red Cross and other national and local resources.

More information and resources can be found at the Federal Occupational Health's web site.