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Expertise in Sustainability

High performance sustainable design is both a driver and a challenge to the architecture, engineering, and construction industry. During the past century, the built environment has undergone a drastic evolution in technology, design/construction delivery methods, and the quality of performance. These advancements require honed technical competencies by the engineers, architects, and construction managers who have the experience and proficiency needed to implement the appropriate solution. Through the traditional role as the Army's technical expert for military construction and the Nation's technical expert for civil works, the Army Corps of Engineers strives toward innovations that will expand the boundaries of possibilities for our stakeholder's future.

In 2011, the US Army Corps of Engineers initiated the Centers of Expertise in Sustainability (CXS) through OPORD 2011-72. These CXS centers are uniquely managed through a lateral strategy that allows for stakeholder-driven priorities with regional leadership. Each regional technical center is accountable to the Army Corps of Engineers as the technical expert for identified critical areas of concern in the fields of sustainability, energy, and life cycle cost analysis.

The CXS defines success as the continued supply of relevant and capable technical experts within the US Army Corps of Engineers for the planning, design, and construction of high performance sustainable buildings and civil works projects. Energy security and conservation are national priorities that require focus, leadership and engagement at all levels within our command. The CXSs are challenged by the energy targets set by law and the methods and means to deliver these results through unknown, emerging and in some cases existing technology not before effectively applied through an enterprise approach. Industry is moving in parallel and the Army Corps of Engineers embraces the opportunity to lead. The CXS will accelerate learning and knowledge transfer to create a base level for each technical competency throughout the organization to deliver beyond the expectations of our military and civil works stakeholders.