Offices of Defense Cooperation
Offices of Defense Cooperation work with their respective host nations in close partnership with U.S. Embassy country teams and under U.S. ambassador direction.

EUCOM builds partner capacity by executing security assistance and security cooperation programs through 40 Offices of Defense Cooperation that work with their respective host nations, in close partnership with U.S. Embassy country teams, and under U.S. ambassador direction.

Security assistance and cooperation includes, but is not limited to:

  • Foreign military sales of U.S. defense equipment
  • Services and training, the management of the Foreign Military Financing
  • International Military Education and Training grant funding
  • Combating Terrorism Fellowship Program
  • Section 1206/1207 funding
  • Global Peace Operations Initiative
  • Counter-Threat Reduction and Warsaw Initiative Funding

Additionally, this staff oversees military-to-military programs and play a key role in the National Guard State Partnership Program. Within the framework of the Ambassador's Mission Performance Plan and the command's Theater Security Strategy, this staff strengthens bilateral security relationships, enhances partner capacity and promotes effective civil-military relations.

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