Adapting and Overcoming Resistance to Change in an Evolving IT World

Published, April 16, 2013

HalvorsenIn the 1986 movie, "Heartbreak Ridge," Clint Eastwood plays the salty Marine Gunnery Sgt. Thomas Highway, an old-school Marine who realizes he must change some of his ways to succeed in a changing world.

His personal mantra — "improvise, adapt, overcome" — is also a teaching point he uses — relentlessly — with the Marines of his underperforming reconnaissance platoon. We, in the Department of the Navy, face a similar challenge. With budgets already cut and more austere times ahead, we must adapt to our new environment and overcome the obstacles that block our path to achieving greater IT efficiencies. In other words, we must change the way we think about data and how we use it.

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TAGS: CIO Authorities, Efficiencies

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