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Programs & Services > Allowances > Frequently Asked Questions > Dislocation Allowance (DLA)

Dislocation Allowance (DLA)
Frequently Asked Questions
Updated: 12/22/15

  1. Is it true a uniformed member may receive a DLA to help with relocation expenses when moving a household due to official PCS travel authorization?
  2. Where can I find the JTR eligibility rules for DLA payment if I have an official PCS travel order?
  3. How much DLA do I receive?
  4. Can I receive more than one DLA payment in the same year?
  5. Am I authorized DLA when moving from my home of record to my first duty station?
  6. Is DLA payable if separating from Service when performing PCS travel to the home of selection/record (HOS/HOR) from the old permanent duty station?
  7. Is a Reserve Component or Guard member who regularly, or repeatedly comes on and leaves active duty eligible for DLA?
  8. Is DLA payable if performing an authorized PCS move without relocating dependents?
  9. I received a PCS travel order and relocated my family based on that order. That PCS order now has been revoked; however, I have already moved the household to the new duty station. Not only must I return to my prior duty station, now I also must move my family for a second time. Am I authorized only one DLA when I had to move my family twice?
  10. When is a 'Secondary DLA' payable?
  11. Is DLA payable if ordered to move in or out of Gov't Qtrs involving no PCS travel authorization; remembering that privatized housing is not Gov't housing?
  12. What DLA is paid when a member is forced to move due to a Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)?

1. Is it true a uniformed member may receive a DLA to help with relocation expenses when moving a household due to official PCS travel authorization?

Yes - generally true. You may be authorized a Dislocation Allowance (DLA) when relocating your household due to a PCS. However, DLA is intended to partially reimburse relocation expenses not otherwise reimbursed and probably will not reimburse all of your relocation expenses.

2. Where can I find the JTR eligibility rules for DLA payment if I have an official PCS travel order?

See JTR, Ch 5, Part A10 for information on when a DLA is/is not payable.

3. How much DLA do I receive?

DLA is based on your grade and dependency status on the PCS travel order effective date. To determine the PCS travel order effective date, see JTR, Appendix A1, definition of “Effective Date of PCS Order”. The current rate information can be found on this website by clicking on 'Dislocation Allowance (DLA)' under ‘Other Rates and Allowances’, and then selecting the applicable rate table or in JTR, Ch 5, Part A10.

4. Can I receive more than one DLA payment in the same year?

Ordinarily, members are authorized only one DLA payment per fiscal year, but there are some exceptions. See JTR, par. 5450 for more information. If you still have questions, contact your servicing finance office.

5. Am I authorized DLA when moving from my home of record to my first duty station?

By law there is no DLA when the PCS is from your home (or the place from which you entered active duty) to your first permanent duty station (PDS) unless your dependents actually move in connection with the PCS.

6. Is DLA payable if separating from Service when performing PCS travel to the home of selection/record (HOS/HOR) from the old permanent duty station?

No, by law there is no DLA authorized when the PCS is from your PDS to your HOR/HOS. In other words there's no DLA authority when leaving active duty.

7. Is a Reserve Component or Guard member who regularly, or repeatedly comes on and leaves active duty eligible for DLA?

No - as mandated by law, individuals coming on/leaving active duty are not eligible for DLA. The exception to this if you come on active duty for more than 20 weeks at one location and are authorized PCS allowances (not TDY allowances) and you move your dependents from your home to your new PDS or a designated place.

8. Is DLA payable if performing an authorized PCS move without relocating dependents?

Yes. As a general rule you receive DLA at the without-dependent rate if you don't occupy Gov't Qtrs at your new permanent duty station. See JTR, Ch 5, Part A10 for more information.

9. I received a PCS travel order and relocated my family based on that order. That PCS order now has been revoked; however, I have already moved the household to the new duty station. Not only must I return to my prior duty station, now I also must move my family for a second time. Am I authorized only one DLA when I had to move my family twice?

A DLA is payable for both moves if you moved your dependent from the original place of residence, based on the PCS travel order, and the move to the new location was completed BEFORE the date the order was revoked. The second DLA is payable at the secondary DLA amount per par. 5452-B.

10. When is a 'Secondary DLA' payable?

If your PCS travel order is amended, modified, canceled or revoked you may be authorized a Secondary DLA. See JTR, par. 5452-B.

11. Is DLA payable if ordered to move in or out of Gov’t Qtrs involving no PCS travel authorization; remembering that privatized housing is not Gov’t housing?

A partial DLA of $718.08 (effective 1 January 2016 ) is paid to a member ordered to occupy or vacate Gov’t family-type Qtrs due to privatization, renovation or any other reason other than PCS. Partial DLA is not authorized for a local move from Gov’t Qtrs upon separation/retirement.

12. What DLA is paid when a member is forced to move due to a Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)?

A member and/or dependent who moves as a result of an order to move ICW a BRAC Commission action on a military installation is authorized a full DLA (as opposed to a partial DLA paid when ordered to occupy/vacate family-type Gov't Qtrs).


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