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Below you will find all of the ECBC Featured Stories. If you would like to see news from before 2015, please visit our archives.

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ECBC's Augmented Reality Demo a Real Hit at AUSA 2016
ECBC demonstrated their emerging augmented reality capability at the 2016 Association of the U.S. Army Annual Meeting and Exposition.
Augmented reality, virtual reality, AUSA, technology, HoloLens, interactive software, training 2016/10/11
Exploring Science and Technology
ECBC employees lead experiments for visiting students.
STEM, APG, Expo, students, technology, careers, Army, outreach, activities, experiments 2016/9/30
ECBC Leaders Visit D.C. University on Inaugural Stop of MSI STEM Consortium Tours
The MSI STEM Research and Development Consortium is designed to promote innovation and stimulate STEM research development.
Research and Technology, STEM, MSI STEM Research and Development Consortium, innovation, University of the District of Columbia (UDC) 2016/9/22
Army Researchers Work to Rapidly Identify Biological Threats in Food, Water
Researchers at ECBC are working on a system that will take advantage of portable analytical equipment currently on the horizon to detect food and water contaminates.
Research and Technology, ABOid, biological, analytics 2016/9/14
New ECBC Research and Technology Director Driven by Desire to Contribute
Eric Moore, Ph.D. comes to ECBC from DTRA and with more than a decade’s worth of experience with the Center.
Research and Technology, Director, Eric Moore 2016/9/8
ECBC Tests Chemical, Biological Sensor Integration in Utah Desert
ECBC team explores use of unmanned vehicles to detect chemical and biological threats on the battlefield.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), drone, TACBIO, Array Configurable of Remote Network Sensors (ACORNS), DTRA, additive manufacturing, 3D printing, sensor, testing, 2016/8/30
ECBC Scientist Honored with ST Rank and will Focus on Biotechnology for DoD
Peter Emanuel, Ph.D., Chief of Biosciences is honored with elevation to Senior Level Scientific Professional.
Synthetic biology, biotechnology, biosciences, research, technology, DoD, 2016/8/17
ECBC’s MakerSpace Aims to Make 3D Printing Available to More Chemical Biological Researchers
MakerSpace is an ECBC workshop of state-of-the-art 3D printers that will be available to any Center researchers to use for making mission-related product prototypes.
Engineering, 3D printing, additive manufacturing, MakerSpace, chemical, biological, research 2016/8/9
ECBC Explores Use of Gels for Biological Decontamination
Researchers explored how a HydroGel can be modified to decontaminate surfaces contaminated with biological agents.
Research and Technology, decontamination, gel, HydroGel, CBI Polymer, biological, agent, peelable, sticker 2016/7/13
Digital Detection; ECBC Researchers Explore Pathogen Detection through Open Source Website
An ECBC research team have developed a means for DoD labs across the globe to quickly obtain a genomic analysis of unknown biological samples.
Research and Technology, detection, pathogen, DoD labs, biological, samples, pathosphere, USAMRIID, WRAIR, 2016/7/8
ECBC Team Slashes Time, Cost of Getting Better Decontamination Solution to Warfighters
ECBC researchers have developed a decontamination spray that enables Soldiers to decontaminate vehicle surfaces, even vertical ones, in the field immediately after exposure.
Research and Technology, decontamination, vehicles, surfaces, agent, vertical, spray, Warfighters 2016/6/30
Building a Better Metric for Chemical Agent Resistance
ECBC Research will Ultimately Improve Combat Vehicle Protective Coatings
Research and Technology, Metric, Chemical Agent Resistance, Protection, Protective Coatings, agent, Army Research Laboratory (ARL), vehicles, helicopters, vehicle coatings 2016/6/22
ECBC Partners with Japanese Manufacturer to Test Explosive Destruction Technology
ECBC is facilitating developmental testing of an explosive destruction technology (EDT) that has not been used in the United States.
Explosive Destruction Technology, test, Japan, DAVINCHLITE, DAVINCH, CBARR, Kobe Steel, projectiles, mustard, destrction, elimination, preoperational 2016/5/17
ECBC Chemist Receives “Best in Homeland Security Education” Award
Shawn Davies awarded inaugural award for work as a senior capstone mentor, guest speaker and teacher resource.
Shawn Davies, chemist, mentor, teacher, STEM, award, Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (HSEP) Program 2016/5/12
ECBC Researcher Receives Top DoD Standardization Award
Terry D’Onofrio, Ph.D., received the 2015 Distinguished Achievement Award from the Defense Standardization Program Office for a contact-based permeation research methodology he invented.
DoD, award, researcher, Terry D'Onofrio, 2015 Distinguished Achievement Award, Defense Standardization Program Office, LVAP, permeation research methodology 2016/4/21
ECBC Experts Enhance Military Laboratory Capabilities
A team from ECBC led an effort to increase the ability of United States Forces Korea to analyze samples of suspected biological warfare agents.
JUPITR, research and technology, military laboratory, biological warfare agent, Korea, collaboration, JPEO-CBD, DoD, 2016/4/15
Top AMC Civilian Takes Stock of ECBC Capabilities and Expertise
The top civilian official from the U.S. Army Materiel Command visits ECBC.
AMC, Army Material Command, Adams, IREPS, TACBIO-II Detector, visit 2016/3/31
New Chemical Agent Test Facility Now Open
Unique Laboratory Supports Development of Next Generation Detector.
NTADTS, Non-Traditional Agent Defense Test System, Next Generation Detector, testing, chemical detection, JPM-NBC 2016/3/24
ECBC Supports Yuma Proving Ground Study
CBARR unit provides monitoring, laboratory services for suspected contamination areas.
Yuma Proving Ground, CBARR, Operations, monitoring, testing 2016/3/17
New Laboratory Increases Detector Testing Range from Centimeters to Meters
Development of Long-Distance Chemical, Biological Sensors Will Enhance Warfighters Safety.
CASTLE, Long-Distance, Chemical, Biological, sensors, detection, laboratory, 2016/3/10
Crawl, Walk, Run; ECBC Operation's Unit Assembles for a Preoperational Survey
A three-day preoperational survey provided operations training to personnel in preparation of an upcoming mission.
CBARR, decontamination, APG, air monitoring, lab analysis, preoperational, survey 2016/3/4
Self-Test Kit Warns Soldiers of Biological Exposure in the Field
ECBC industrial designer part of a research team working with the NFL to increase player safety.
Biological agent, Nett Warrior, SmartCAR, Research and Technology, Detection, Soldier 2016/2/25
Table Set for ECBC Biological Detection Technology
ECBC enters partnership with Biodetech to develop novel food safety system.
CRADA, PLA, technology transfer, ABOid, Research and Technology, Biodetech, 2016/2/18
U.S. Army Researchers Tackle Head Injuries in the NFL and on the Battlefield
ECBC industrial designer part of a research team working with the NFL to increase player safety.
NFL, National Football League, ARL, Army Research Lab, teather, Additive Manufacturing, 3-D Printing, Engineering, Protection 2016/2/5
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program Takes Flight
Emerging CBRNE Detection Capability Increases Safety for the Warfighter.
UAV, Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle, Engineering, Detection, Drone, DTRA, Additive Manufacturing, 3-D Printing 2016/2/3
Interagency Collaboration Boosts Mobile Analytical Capability for Delaware Civil Support Team
U.S. Army Lab provide vital support to first responders of a WMD chemical, biological or nuclear event.
Collaboration, Delaware Civil Support Team, WMD, Mobile Analytical, EML, Environmental Monitoring Laboratory, CBARR, Detection 2016/1/28
ECBC Works to Engage Minority Students in Defense Research
By partnering with the MSI STEM Research & Development Consortium, ECBC is helping to broaden the pool of young people engaged in chemical biological defense research.
STEM, MSI, Minority, Defense, Research, United Negro College Fund, 2015/12/16
When Seconds Count, Project JUPITR’s Early Warning System Can Save Lives
Advantages Gained by Integrating Force Protection Sensors and Chemical Biological Sensors into a Single Operating Platform.
JUPITR, Detection, Korea, Sensors, Early Warning System 2015/12/2
ECBC and U.S. Army Special Forces Plan CRESS Upgrade
ECBC team will demonstrate the technology’s potential to screen for finished explosives to SOCOM warfighters.
CRESS, Chemical Reconnaissance and Explosives Screening Set, SOCOM, explosives, detection 2015/11/30
ECBC Scientists Gain Insight Directly from Warfighters
DoD program allows scientists to achieve a greater awareness of warfighter challenges through direct interaction.
DTRA, 20th CBRNE Command, 759th Explosives Ordnance Disposal, EOD, warfighter insight, training, 2015/11/24
ECBC Team Working to Improve World’s Biosurveillance Technology
Finding the best biosurveillance technology brings out the best in Project JUPITR’s team members.
JUPITR, Biosurveillance,Dismounted Reconnaissance Sets, Kits and Outfits, DR SKO, 2015/10/29
ECBC Earns Army’s Industrial Operations Safety Award
Safety Team received the Army’s Industrial Operations Safety Award for work aboard the MV Cape Ray.
Award, Safety, MV Cape Ray, FDHS, CBARR, AMC, 2015/10/27
STEM Undergrads Gain Unique Experience during ECBC MUSIP Internship
Minority STEM Students work with ECBC mentors on various research projects.
STEM, MUSIP, internship, mentors, 2015/10/27
New Scarf-like Mask can Protect Warfighters and First Responders at a Moment’s Notice
ECBC researches the development of a respiratory protective mask to protect against riot control agents.
IREPS, scarf, warfighter, first responder, protection, 2015/10/27
ECBC Experts Provide CB Training to EPA Responders
EPA coordinators participated in chemical and biological agent response and recovery course.
Training, EPA, first responders, CBARR, safety, 2015/10/16
ECBC Designing Future Capabilities for All Phases of Matter
ECBC working with Industry Partners Test Next Generation Chemical Detector Prototypes.
NGCD, Next Generation Chemical Detector, testing, prototypes 2015/10/13
ECBC Designers use 3-D Software to Train Warfighters
Virtual Reality and 3-D Technologies Support Mission Readiness.
Virtual reality, 3-D technology, mission support, software, Oculus Rift, training 2015/9/22
ECBC Earns Army’s Highest Safety Award
Team honored for safely destroying Syrian chemical stockpile
Army safety award, MV Cape Ray, Syria chemical stockpile, FDHS, CBARR 2015/9/10
SMARTMAN Gets Smarter
ECBC Plans New Capabilities for SMARTMAN Mask Testing.
SMARTMAN, mask, testing, engineering, 2015/9/2
New Leader of Program Integration Ready to Help ECBC Chart its Future
Paul J. Tanenbaum Ph.D. takes over as Director of Program Integration.
Leadership, Program Integration, SES 2015/8/25
ECBC at the Forefront of Advanced Toxicological Research
ECBC Scientists Test Toxic Effects on Lab-Grown Simulated Human Organs with "Human on a Chip " Project.
Toxicology, research, human on a chip, organ on a chip, biomarkers, 2015/8/24
Biosurveillance Technology Gets Up Close and Personal
A recent report by ECBC describes the potential of innovative, commercial off-the-shelf wearable technologies to revolutionize chemical and biological (CB) sensor technologies for the military.
Biosurveillance, technology, wearable, sensors, innovation, 2015/8/18
Finding Agent in the Air
ECBC Monitoring Team Proves Cape Ray Decontamination with Sample Analysis.
MV Cape Ray, CBARR, FDHS, decontamination, sample analysis, monitoring, 2015/8/12
Safety: The Cornerstone of Sustainability
How CBARR secures on-site operations around the country and the world.
Safety, Sustainability, CBARR, OSHA, MV Cape Ray, FDHS 2015/8/5
Continuing a Legacy of Support
ECBC Director and CBRN School Commandant Renew their Memorandum of Agreement.
Support, CBRN School, MOA, Memorandum of Agreement, Technology Transfer, T2, 2015/8/3
ECBC Goes to Great Depths to Investigate Munitions
Research partnership with the University of Hawaii explores environmental impact of chemical munitions.
Research, munitions, Hawaii Undersea Military Munitions Assessment, environment, chemical, cbarr, HUMMA, 2015/7/28
Recovered Munitions Assessed at ECBC MAPS Facility
The MAPS facility is used to safely access chemical munitions and detonate the remnants of explosively configured munitions.
MAPS, Munitions Assessment and Processing System, CBARR, recovered munitions, assessment, 2015/7/26
ECBC Director Discusses Culture of Innovation at NDIA Conference
Dr. Joseph Corriveau describes the Center’s “smaller, better,faster, cheaper” CB defense solutions to NDIA conference attendees.
NDIA conference, innovation, culture, IREPS, SMARTMAN, CRESS, National Defense Industrial Association, NDIA, MinION™, 2015/7/23
ECBC Fast Tracks Explosive Detector for Warfighters
Integrated team invented, tested and produced a device in just two and a half years.
CRESS, integration, teamwork, collaboration, IED, detection, detectors, 2015/7/21
The Solution Sure to [Not] Stick
ECBC Researchers make strides in developing Teflon-like CWA resistant coating.
CWA, chemical warfare agent, resistant, coating, paint, Research and Technology, 2015/7/15
ECBC Completes Schofield Operation in Hawaii
ECBC deployed personnel destroy chemical munitions using the Explosive Destruction System (EDS).
CBARR, Hawaii, Schofield, EDS, explosive destruction system, chemcial, munitions 2015/7/14
Harvard Professor Urges ECBC to "Change the Future of Innovation"
Dr. George Whitesides discusses innovation and paradigm change with ECBC workforce.
Harvard, George Whitesides, innovation, workforce, future 2015/7/13
What the MOF; Seven Facts to Know About Metal-Organic Frameworks
Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) could be one of the most revolutionary advances in nerve agent degradation.
MOF, metal-organic frameworks, nerve, agent, filtration 2015/7/8
Senator Mikulski visits ECBC Rapid Technologies Laboratory
Additive manufacturing is “where the jobs of the future are going to be.”
Rapid Technologies Laboratory, Mikulski, Engineering, ADM, CAD, 3D printing 2015/7/2
Decoding DNA in the Palm of your Hand
ECBC demonstrates a unique use of the MinION™ to accurately identify bacteria and viruses.
Rapid Technologies Laboratory, Mikulski, Engineering, ADM, CAD, 3D printing 2015/6/30
U.S. Army, ECBC to Develop First Chemical Fingerprint Imaging System
The CFIS is to be designed to detect and identify trace dangerous materials collocated within fingerprints.
Chemical Fingerprint Imaging System, CFIS, chemical detection, fingerprints, 2015/6/25
ECBC Helps Train Warfighters using New CBRN Reconnaissance Equipment
Trainers from ECBC and JPM-NBC CA collaborate to train Warfighters on the Dismounted Reconnaissance Sets, Kits and Outfits (DR SKO).
CBRN, training, Dismounted Reconnaissance Sets, Kits and Outfits, DR SKO, JPM-NBC CA 2015/6/24
ECBC Scientists Testing Fabric for New Warfighter Uniforms
Scientists from the ECBC and NSRDEC worked together to create new test methods for novel fabrics being developed for a new military uniform.
Uniforms, novel fabrics, NSRDEC, testing, fatigues, Integrated Protective Fabric System, IPFS 2015/6/17
ECBC and Partners Unveil New System for Large-Scale Chemical Agent Testing
The NTADTS is designed to provide a safe and specialized testing capability for diverse chemical defense items in support of the Warfighters and nation.
Uniforms, novel fabrics, NSRDEC, DTRA, testing, fatigues, Integrated Protective Fabric System, IPFS 2015/6/15
Expert Working Group Advises Simulant Selection for Testing Chem-Bio Programs of Record
Working group, simulants, testing, chemical, biological, program of record 2015/6/12
ECBC Provides Better, Faster and more Cost Effective Protection to the Warfighter
ECBC used networking and collaboration to bring a new CB defense protection technology to a new level of sophistication.
Protection, chemical, biological, defense, technology, Individual Protection System Performance Model 2015/6/9
ECBC Develops Comprehensive Website to Analyze CBRN Detector Market
ECBC developed a website for warfighters and first-responders that allows them to compare the best CBRNE detectors.
WMD Detector Selector, website, CBRNE, comparison 2015/6/4
Improving Packaging for Army Vehicle Filters
ECBC engineers redesign package for M18A1 gas filter that removes toxic chemical agent vapors and gasses from Army vehicles.
M18AI, vehicle filter, vapors, toxic, gas, engeineering 2015/6/3
Army Team Honored for Life Support System for Chem-Demil Workers
A multi-agency Aberdeen Proving Ground team was recently honored for ensuring that workers have the life support systems they need.
Chemical Demil, life, support, Aberdeen Proving Ground 2015/6/2
Complex Doesn’t Mean Complicated: How CIO is simplifying for the Future
Knowledge management emerging as key requirement for information technology and cyber-security.
Cyber-security, IT, information technology, knowledge management, CIO 2015/5/29
Watchful Eyes
After two years of preparation the JUPITR Operational Demonstration is poised to illustrate a means for detection, protection and early warning of Biological Agent exposure on the Korean Peninsula.
JUPITR, ATD, detection, protection, Korean Peninsula 2015/5/26
Up in the air: ECBC demonstrates a new aerosol detection method
Scientists at ECBC combine existing technologies to create a better method for characterizing suspended aerosols.
Aerosol, detection, method, suspended aerosols, research and technology 2015/5/21
From Filtration to Decontamination: Scientists at ECBC are changing the future with a new, innovative material
New filtration technology leads to breakthroughs in chemical agent neutralization
Filtration, decontamination, chemical agent neutralization, NU-1000, MOF, metal-organic frameworks 2015/5/20
ECBC Showcases Latest Innovations at Department of Defense Lab Day
Integration of capabilities is a growing trend across mission spaces
DoD Lab Day, Department of Defense, innovations, science, technology 2015/5/19
ECBC is a Big Presence at the 2015 DTRA CBD S&T Conference
The 2015 DTRA CBD S&T Conference highlighted the vital role of collaboration in the Chem-Bio environment
DTRA, CBD S&T conference, collaboration, DoD 2015/5/4
Team Effort: ECBC, USAMRIID and Thermo Fisher Scientific Research a Permanent End to Ebola Virus
Industry lends ECBC equipment critical to support USAMRIID with creating an end to Ebola
USAMRIID, Thermo Fisher, Ebola virus 2015/5/4
Tim Blades nominated for 2015 Service to America Medal for National Security and International Affairs
ECBC's Director of CBARR Operations was named one of 30 finalists for the Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal.
Timothy Blades, CBARR, Service to America Medal, National Security and International Affairs, Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal 2015/5/4
Are There Bugs in There?
ECBC researchers explore the use of colorimetric sensor arrays to detect insects in the food supply.
khapra, beetle, agriculture, natural resources, colorimetric, sensors, detection, food, supply 2015/4/29
ECBC Creates Test Method of Choice for U.S. Department of Defense
Researchers at ECBC recently developed and patented a new test fixture and experimental method, the LVAP method, which is on track to become a U.S. DoD official test and evaluation method for VX permeation through protective equipment.
test method, DoD, Department of Defense, Low-volatility Agent Permeation, LVAP, testing, VX, detection, equipment 2015/4/22
ECBC Receives Prestigious Department of the Army Safety Award
ECBC was awarded the Director of Army Safety Risk Management Award.
award, Army, safety, risk management, 2015/4/8
ECBC Engineers Played Key Role in Containment System used to Transport Americans with Ebola
ECBC played a vital role in the development of the Aeromedical Biological Containment System (ABCS).
Aeromedical Biological Containment System, ABCS, engineering, ebola, CDC, Test Reliability and Evaluation Branch, TREB 2015/3/16
ECBC Employees Earn Visionary Awards for Innovation and Technological Advancement
Four ECBC employees have been recognized locally for remarkable contributions to their fields and the community.
awards, innovation, technology, Northeastern Maryland Technology Council, 2015/3/9
ECBC Experts Key Contributors to New National Guidance on Mass Patient Decontamination in a Chemical Exposure Incident
Guidance contains strategic-level best practices for use when planning and conducting patient decontamination in a mass chemical casualty incident.
decontamination, chemical exposure incident, natual guidance, mass patient decon 2015/3/4
Scientists Reflect on Cape Ray Mission at Bel Air Public Library
Local residents enjoy “Chemical Agent Destruction on the High Seas” Science Cafe.
FDHS, Syria, chemical weapons, MV Cape Ray 2015/2/26
Simplifying the Complex: ECBC Pursues New CASARM Standards for Agent Compounds
ECBC meets stringent set of quality assurance requirements for agent standards.
Chemical Agent Standard Analytical Reference Material, CASARM, agent, quality assurance, Chemical Transfer Facility, 2015/2/19
Design on the Fly: How ECBC Engineers Adapted Cape Ray for the Unknown
engineers, Cape Ray, Syria, FDHS, FDHS, Army Materials Systems Analysis Activity, ADM, Advanced Design and Manufacturing 2015/2/11
Army Appoints Joseph Corriveau New Director of ECBC
Director, Corriveau, Army, Senior Executive Service, DoD, Department of Defense 2015/2/6
Suited Up: ECBC Researchers Help Develop Self-Detoxifying Suit for Joint Forces
Research, self-detoxifying, suit, joint forces, CWA, DTRA, NSRDEC, AFCEC, Integrated Protective Fabric System 2015/2/4
ECBC Engineering Director Michael S. Abaie Receives SES Pin in Edgewood Ceremony
Abaie, engineering, JPEO-CBD, SES 2015/2/2
The Ultimate End-User: ECBC Operators Chosen for EDS Mission in Colorado
CMA, JPM-E, JPEO-CBD, PCAPP, Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant, EDS. Explosive Destruction System, DOT, Colorado 2015/1/27
Taking a Deeper Look: ECBC Decontamination Scientists Explore how Chemical Warfare Agents affect Surface Coatings
Decontamination, CWA, surface coatings, DTRA, paint 2015/1/22
ECBC Environmental Monitoring Laboratory Earns DoD ELAP Certificate of Accreditation
The EML provides standardized quantitative analyses of environmental samples for chemical warfare material (CWM) and related toxic industrial compounds (TICs) in rapid turn-around-time (TAT).
DoD, ELAP, certificate, accreditation, EML, Environmental Monitoring Laboratory 2015/1/20
TACBIO Gen II; ECBC Pushes Convention of Biological Detection with Lightweight, Low-Cost Structure
TACBIO Gen II represents an advance in concept and decrease in cost from the first generation TACBIO.
TACBIO, TACBIO Gen 2, biological, detection, DARPA, PLA, CRADA 2015/1/20
New Engineering Director Comes to ECBC Knowing its Capabilities Well
Abaie, engineering, capabilities, Director 2015/1/9

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