
Contact the Advanced CBRNE Training Team:
Phone: (410) 436-1268


CBRNE Training Brochure


Advanced CBRNE Training Team

The U.S. Army's Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) has established an Advanced Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives (CBRNE) Training Program to provide a direct relationship between ECBC's subject matter experts and customers. This unique relationship allows the scientist and engineer to share their knowledge, experience and expert talents through classroom, hands-on exercises and reachback programs. The Advanced CBRNE Training Team can design a program that will meet a group's specific mission requirements and objectives.

Training at ECBC

  • A private neighborhood setting to a special training facility
  • Actual CB production equipment
    • CBRNE Clandestine Labs
  • CB Targets go in range from clandestine sites to pilot plant
  • Pool of SME Instructors from ECBC and other tenant organizations
    • USAPHC
    • Other DoD Assets

Customized Training

  • Objective based courses established by customer mission
  • Site Assessment Courses
  • Detection and Sampling Training
  • Small Scale Hands-on Construction
  • Field Training Excercises
  • Advanced Sampling Classes

Course topics offered by Advanced CBRNE Training Team

Courses are offered by individual request for military units, teams and/or groups, and are not intended for individual instruction. Please contact the Training Team for a customized proposal supporting your mission and individual needs. Availability of classes will coincide with the Advanced CBRNE Training Team Master Schedule.

  • Basic Chemistry and Biology for CBRN Responders
  • Advanced Chemistry and Biology Concepts
  • Chemical and Biological Agents
  • Small Scale Chemical and Biological Production
  • Chemical and Biological Detection and Identification
  • Chemical and Biological Target Recognition and Exploitation
  • Advanced Chemical and Biological Sampling
  • Chemistry of Explosives
  • High Energetic Chemical Detection
  • Comparison of Chemical and Biological Agent, High Energetic Material, and Illicit Drug Production
  • Large Scale Chemical and Biological Facilities
  • Emerging Threats

Advanced CBRNE Training Team Clients