Today, access to the electromagnetic spectrum enables our warfighters to use many technologies, including, radar, navigation, weapons, and communications systems. Future technologies will utilize spectrum as the foundation for wireless capabilities, which are essential to extending "power to the edge."

Spectrum is a finite resource, though, and its use must be carefully managed. DISA's Defense Spectrum Organization (DSO) is the DOD center of excellence for spectrum management. Our challenge is to develop policies and technological standards that use spectrum more efficiently, while ensuring the regulatory framework remains flexible enough to accommodate and promote emerging technologies.


  • Joint Spectrum Center (JSC)

    The JSC, a Field Command within the DSO, has leading experts in the areas of spectrum planning, electromagnetic environmental effects (E3), information systems, cyber security, quality assurance, modeling and simulation, and operations to provide complete, spectrum-related services directly to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Combatant Commanders, Secretaries of the Military Departments (MILDEPS), and Directors of Defense Agencies. JSC applies electromagnetic environmental databases and analysis tools to assist in both the acquisition and operation of DOD communications-electronics assets. JSC is a source of engineering expertise and services dedicated to ensuring effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum. JSC provides services such as spectrum-planning guidance, system integration, system vulnerability analysis, environmental analysis, test and measurement support, operational support and spectrum management software development. JSC provides support for spectrum planning, spectrum certification of new weapon and sensor system development, and training and operational support to the Unified Commands, MILDEPS, and Defense Agencies.

  • Strategic Planning Division (SPD)
    The Strategic Planning Division (SPD), a division of DSO, is responsible for developing comprehensive and integrated spectrum planning data along with long-term strategies for Department of Defense (DOD) spectrum access. SPD assists the Office of the DOD Chief Information Officer (Spectrum Policy and International Engagements) in spectrum management policy, strategic planning, engineering and analyses, and oversight to ensure continued access to spectrum resources for all DOD missions. SPD’s primary objective is to maximize global spectrum access for U.S. forces - both now and for the future.

  • Business Management Division (BMD)
    The Business Management Division (BMD), a division of DSO, is responsible for providing the strategic planning, execution, management, and oversight for all of DSO’s business-related operations; such as budget development and execution analyses; business development; corporate-level management of contract proposals; corporate-level support agreements; facilities and logistics management; human capital management activities; administrative management; DSO Security. These business efforts are in direct support of the entire DSO organization efforts to support the long-term spectrum strategies to support the Department of Defense and to maximize the global spectrum access for Combatant Command Warfighters.