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Harris Adaptive Networking Wideband Waveform (ANW2)

The Harris ANW2 radio is intended to provide high bandwidth data operation, operating as an ad-hoc, self-forming, self-healing network waveform. Only supported in the Discrete Event Simulator (DES), the JCSS ANW2 model utilizes custom pipeline stages to perform the wireless calculations on the network. ANW2 models utilize external input files to allow users to customize the network and noise performance of the wireless connections over the course of a network simulation, allowing dynamic behavior that can be controlled by the user during DES run time. Users can collect traffic performance information, IP routing and connectivity information through simulation.

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Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS)

The JCSS JTRS package offers three different waveforms that can be analyzed and studied in JCSS: SRW, WNW, and TTNT. Users who request the JTRS package will gain access to the JCSS JTRS waveform models and be able to deploy individual JTRS networks in JCSS, or utilize the Waveform Translation Gateway (WTG) model to conduct interoperability studies. Only supported in the Discrete Event Simulator, the JTRS models allow users to analyze traffic performance over the tactical networks and determine possible noise, congestion or other performance issues in the network environment. As ground based waveforms, the JTRS waveforms provide short ranged communication, allowing for studies to be conducted on the models including Line of Sight (LoS) and Out of Range based studies when combined with radio node mobility in the JCSS software. Example of some of the statistics users can collect include SNR, throughput, performance by individual channel/waveform, and traffic dropped.

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