Bread Crumbs

Activation/Deactivation Coverage Scenarios

When you're activatedCalled or ordered to active duty service for more than 30 days in a row.:

  • You're eligible for the same health and dental benefits as active duty service members. 
  • Your eligiblity status for TRICARE is updated in DEERS by your Service personnel. 

Your start dates and coverage after you leave active duty is different based on your active duty orders. Please see the coverage scenarios below for more information.

Scenario 1

You're Activated, but Not in Support of a Contingency Operation

  • Your TRICARE coverage begins on the first day of your orders for you and your family.
  • After serving on active duty for more than 30 days, you leave active duty—or deactivate.

Scenario 2

You're Activated in Support of a Contingency Operation

  • Your TRICARE coverage begins on the first day of your orders for you and your family.
  • After serving on active duty for more than 30 days, you leave active duty—or deactivate.
  • When TAMP coverage ends:

Scenario 3

You're Activated in Support of a Contingency Operation and you have Delayed-Effective-Date Orders

  • You become eligible for active duty benefits up to 180 days before the first day of your orders. >>Learn More
  • After serving on active duty for more than 30 days, you leave active duty—or deactivate.
  • When TAMP coverage ends:
Are you a Federal employee?

If you're enrolled in the Federal Employee's Health Benefit Program and called to military duty, you may be able to continue coverage or elect to drop the coverage. >>Learn More

Last Updated 3/8/2016