J1 - Manpower, Personnel and Administration
The J1 Directorate optimizes EUCOM’s human resource posture to enable U.S. Forces to conduct the full spectrum of missions within the command’s area of responsibility.

The J1 is responsible for theater-level personnel planning, personnel policies and programs for U.S. forces and their families. It also provides administration, direct personnel service support, and combatant command-level management for U.S. NATO manpower and strength accounting while developing EUCOM manpower requirements.

J1’s focus is to:

  • Implement Secretary of Defense Headquarters Manning Efficiency Initiatives to save more than $150 billon over the next five years by reducing overhead costs, improving business practices and reducing headquarters staffing
  • Support the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) – Joint Manning Document Management
  • Maintain EUCOM & NATO manning
  • Coordinate the Theater Quality of Life Executive Steering Committee and annual conference
  • Manage growth of Foreign Labor Program
  • Synchronize Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations Tracking System Training and Management across the theater

Address: HQ, USEUCOM/ECJ1, Unit 30400, APO AE 09131
Comm.: +49 (0)711-680-5103
DSN: 314-430-5103
Fax: +49 (0)711-680-6395

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