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Home > Careers > Equal Employment Opportunity

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Phone: 504-862-2238


U.S. Mail: 

US Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 60267
New Orleans, LA  70160

Equal Employment Office - Mission Statement

a. Provides active leadership to the Equal Employment Opportunity Program, especially in the development and implementation of an effective District Affirmative Employment Program Plan.

b. Maintains continuous familiarity with conditions and circumstances affecting equal employment opportunity within the New Orleans District.

c. Participates in and/or conducts statistical or other special program studies to identify out-of-balance employment practices, inequitable management practices, or systems barriers for adverse impact.

d. Refers selections that may not adequately meet EEO criteria to the Commander for resolution prior to official commitment of position to selectee.

e. Evaluates and reports program effectiveness to the Commander and key management officials, with recommendations for change or improvement in the action plan, personnel practices, or other management activities which have impact on the Equal Employment Opportunity Program.

f. Keeps the Commander and other management officials informed of equal employment opportunity conditions in the community which affect employability of minorities, women, and targeted groups, and encourages management to continuously take an active part in equal employment opportunity activities.

g. Manages the Equal Employment Opportunity Complaints system in accordance with legal and regulatory guidance to ensure compliance.

h. Analyzes discrimination complaints to identify problem areas and develop information for use in designing more effective program plans and actions.

i. Provides reports as required by higher authority.

j. Confers with management to develop flexible and timely solutions to problems. Coordinates with the Personnel Office and the Office of Counsel to assure that actions taken are in harmony with both the merit system and

Equal Employment Opportunity Program objectives. Administers the CEERP and serves as Chair of the ADR Team.

k. Provides advice and information to employees about affirmative action practices and discrimination complaint procedures.

l. Furnishes technical guidance and supervision to Equal Employment Opportunity Counselors, especially in the resolution of discrimination complaints in the informal stage.

m. Accepts formal complaints and takes immediate action required to process formal complaints with regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, physical/mental handicap, or reprisal when resolutions have not been accomplished during the informal stage.

n. Provides advice and consultation to the Commander regarding complaints, and takes immediate action to carry out the Commander's proposed disposition.

o. Maintains liaison with Personnel Office staff regarding integration of Affirmative Action Program Plan/Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program efforts.

p. Provides leadership, guidance and supervision to Federal Women's Program Manager, Black Employment Program Manager, Hispanic Employment Program Manager and Handicapped Individuals Program Manager, when performing duties in their respective program area.

q. Ensures, in coordination with the Chief, Management Employee Relations and Training Branch, Personnel Office, that appropriate EEO training is provided for managers, supervisors and employees.

r. Acts in an advisory capacity to any group, board, committee or panel that has responsibility for making decisions or recommendations that change personnel policy and/or human resource levels.

s. Provides counseling to employees or applicants who wish to be agents in class complaints of discrimination.

t. Manages the District civilian EEO Career Program.