Non-medical Counseling


May 12, 2016

Reunion: It’s a Process, Not an Event

The webinar will focus on the process of preparing for the change in habits, lifestyle, behavior and expectations of loved ones following a deployment or a separation from the military.

May 10, 2016

Supporting the Bereaved at Home and Down Range

When someone we love is grieving, it is difficult not to want to step in and make their pain stop. When the bereaved individual is down range, it is even harder. Join us for a discussion on grief, survivor's guilt and tips for helping a grieving individual, particularly when we have to overcome great physical distance.

May 3, 2016

Tips for Teachers Working with Children During Deployment

Deployment can be difficult for military families, and teachers can be one of the main points of contact for children during this time. The goal of the webinar is to assist teachers in identifying both students and parents who may be experiencing challenges during a family member's deployment and to provide suggestions on how to help.

May 5, 2016

When a Parent Deploys: Ages 2 to 5

"When a Parent Deploys" looks at the effects and common issues of deployment on children between the ages of 2 and 5. It will discuss how to talk to and help children deal with deployment, as well as provide tips to prepare children for separation.

Jan. 5, 2016

Responding to Toddlers Who Bite and Hit

This webinar will review the topic of toddlers who bite and hit by reviewing possible reasons for the behavior and the relative normalcy of such behaviors, as well as provide some suggestions for responding effectively to the behaviors.

Jan. 7, 2016

Stages of Deployment

Although every deployment is as unique as the individual experiencing it, there are experiences and feelings that service members and their loved ones share. Join us to discuss the stages of deployment and homecoming, and to learn communication techniques that make reintegration easier.

Feb. 2, 2016

Communication Training

Join us for a discussion on all aspects of good communication- guidelines, components, verbal and nonverbal, “I” statements and being an active listener. We'll also discuss tips for communication effectively and positively when you're long distance.

Feb. 4, 2016

Effective Discipline: Ages 13 to 17

In this webinar we will look at the stages of development and how teenagers think and feel. We will explore effective discipline methods for shaping behaviors with teenagers 13 to 17 and understand when you may need to seek help.

Feb. 9, 2016

Mission-Based Marriages

You have a vision and plan for success in your military life; it's time to apply that same perspective to your marriage. Join us for a discussion on key ingredients of a mission-based marriage, protecting your marriage from mission threats and identifying the part you play in bringing your marital mission to life.

Feb. 11, 2015

Reigniting the Passion After Deployment

After the months of waiting and anticipation, your spouse is finally home from deployment. Are the flames of passion still stoked? Whether you could use a little more steam or some more logs on the fire, join us for a discussion on reigniting the passion in your marriage.

Feb. 16, 2016

Strengthening Parenting Practices

This webinar will help participants gain effective tools for parents to strengthen the family bond and build resilience during deployments and multiple transitions.

Feb. 18, 2016

Stress Reactions and Coping Mechanisms

This webinar will discuss ways to identify sources of stress along with common stress reactions. The presentation will also review ways to cope with stress and help you identify when it may be time to seek out help for stress.

Feb. 23, 2016

Teens and the Power of Peer Pressure

This webinar will help participants define peer pressure and teach ways to overcome peer pressure in a positive manner.

Feb. 25, 2016

Three C’s of Communication

Communication is a life skill that is necessary for success. Good communication will decrease relational stress and increase intimacy for partners and family members. This presentation will present healthy communication techniques during stressful time of deployment, parenting or just daily life.

March 1, 2016

Transitioning to Civilian Life

Whether you've been in the military for four years or 30 years, whether the separation is planned or not, the transition from military to civilian life can be intimidating; join us to discuss the steps you need to take to make the shift easier.

March 10, 2016

Communication for Teens

This webinar will discuss: what is communication, understanding emotions, nonverbal communication, communication guidelines, listening skills, hindrance to good communication and becoming a good communicator.

March 15, 2016

Conflict Resolution for Middle School

Adolescents experience increased freedom, and with that encounter more conflicts that they will need to resolve independently. As supportive adults, it is important to know about effective conflict resolution and effective communication skills. The goal of this presentation will be to improve communications skills and learn effective ways to manage conflict.

March 17, 2016

Coping Challenges: Transitioning Home

Coming home from combat can be a difficult time. Join us to discuss concerns and challenges with returning home, how to smooth the reunion process and making the transition to civilian life.

March 22, 2016

Effective Discipline for Preteens Ages 10 to 12

As children move from elementary age into middle school and adolescence, their disciplinary needs change. As preteens begin to explore their independence, they need supportive adults to help them learn to control their behavior and develop appropriate boundaries. The goal of this presentation is to help parents learn to set limits while being supportive.

March 24, 2016

Helping Children Cope with Postdeployment Issues

This webinar will explore common concerns children may have when a service member is returning from deployment and reunion/reintegration expectations appropriate for various age groups. Other topics include, the importance of communication during postdeployment and when it may be time to seek help.

March 29, 2016

Relationship Tips for Teens

This presentation covers various aspects and considerations for a positive dating experience for teens.

March 31, 2016

Summer Camp Journal

This presentation provides a template, instructions and ideas for children to journal while at summer camp, or any other time.

April 5, 2016

Teaching Children How to Get Along – A Teacher’s Guide

This webinar is a guide for teachers/caregivers to teach behavioral modification skills that allow for children to problem solve with their peers effectively.

April 7, 2016

Trauma and Children: A Guide for Helping Children Manage Traumatic Events

Join us for a discussion on recognizing the signs and symptoms of trauma in children and adolescents, common reactions, how to talk to a child who has experienced trauma, and where and when to seek outside help.

April 19, 2016

Controlling Anger

This is a webinar to introduce different aspects of anger and way to improve the management of it.

April 21, 2016

Mortuary Affairs and Grief

One of the greatest honors is to care for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Designed specifically for those serving in mortuary affairs, this webinar will discuss the positive aspects and challenges of the job, symptoms of grief, compassion fatigue and coping methods.

April 26, 2016

Return Reunion Workshop for Spouses

Family reunions are a process that take time and energy. What is a normal reunion? How do I manage the anticipation and expectations? How long does the process take? You will be introduced the family reunion process and provided skills that will help you and your family manage the reunion process.

April 28, 2016

The Emotional Cycle of Deployment

Whether it's your first or fourth deployment, each separation brings new lessons and challenges. Join us for a discussion of the stages of deployment, effects of deployment on the military member and the family, and tips for navigating the choppy waters from pre to post-deployment.


Jan. 8, 2015

Military OneSource Special Needs Consultations

This four-minute webinar offers an overview of Military OneSource no-cost, special needs consultation services, including available services and what to expect from the initial call to the first appointment.

Jan. 9, 2015

How to Register for a Confidential Online Chat

This four-minute webinar explains how to register for Military OneSource no-cost, confidential non-medical counseling or health and wellness coaching through the secure, online chat format.

Jan. 12, 2015

What is a Wounded Warrior Resources Specialty Consultation?

This brief webinar offers an overview of Wounded Warriors Resources no-cost specialty consultation, including available services for wounded warriors and their caregivers.

Jan. 14, 2015

Military OneSource Specialty Consultations

This six-minute webinar provides an overview of all the Military OneSource no-cost specialty consultations, and available support and services through these consultants.

Jan. 15, 2015

Military OneSource Document Translation Services

This brief webinar offers an overview of Military OneSource no-cost documentation translation service.

June 25, 2015

Principles of Healthy Relationships and Marriages

This webinar will discuss components of a healthy relationships and marriages and provide useful tools to creating and maintaining them.

July 7, 2015

Building Resiliency in Children

This webinar will discuss and define resiliency and why it is important. We will also discuss characteristics of resilient children and methods of building resilience in children with an additional focus on doing so during a parent's deployment.

July 9, 2015

A Children’s Guide to Coping With Disasters

This webinar will discuss how disasters impact children and what you can do to help them. It will discuss the different types of disasters, how children may feel and react and how you can help them cope and process feelings after a disaster.

July 16, 2015

Effects of Extended Daylight and Darkness

This webinar will address the possible effects of extended periods of sunlight (midnight sun) and darkness (polar nights), the causes and coping strategies.

Aug. 10, 2015

Get to Know the New Military OneSource Website

The new Military OneSource website is now easier, better and faster. Join us for a tour of the new site, and discover all of the great content and tools created just for you. This webinar is designed for service members and their family members who are interested in learning about the new Military OneSource, but all members are the military community are welcome to take a peek behind the scenes to see just how to make the most of the improved Military OneSource.

Aug. 11, 2015

Military OneSource New Resource Request System Training for Points of Contact

This webinar provided training to all parties on the new Resource Request System for on-demand events.

Aug. 25, 2015

Challenges of Changing Schools

Participants will learn tips for making a smooth transition to a new school and ways to make new friends.

Aug. 27, 2015

Combat-Related Stress Reactions: What Service Members and Families Need to Know

This webinar defines combat-related stress and identifies coping and communication skills to assist family members with managing stress.

Sept. 3, 2015

Survivor’s Guilt

One of the most complicated aspects of grief and loss is the guilt survivors feel; the nagging questions of "Why them, and not me? Could/should I have done something differently?" This webinar will explore the topic of survivor's guilt and how to work through to healing.

Oct. 6, 2015

Stress During the Holidays: Maintaining Balance and Stress Resilience

This webinar will discuss stress during the holidays and how to maintain balance and increase stress resilience.

Oct. 13, 2015

A Guide to Helping Children Manage Anger: Ages 3 to 12

This webinar will be a guide for adults to help them assist children, ages 3 to 12, manage anger.

Nov. 5, 2015

Life in Balance: Relaxation and Stress Relief

This webinar provides important aspects of creating a healthy balance between work and life. It will explore steps on how to identify stressors along with the signs and symptoms of stress. This webinar will also discuss ways to cope with stress through various types of relaxation techniques.

Nov. 12, 2015

Reintegration Challenges for the Single Service Member

Single — particularly newly single — service members returning from deployment face unique challenges and concerns and often slip through the cracks in favor of their married counterparts. This webinar will look at some of those issues, warning signs that friends and family can be on the lookout for and coping skills to help with reintegration.

Nov. 17, 2015

Stress Management for Teens

Stress is a normal part of our life experience and learning how to deal with it in a positive manner is key to living a successful life. The goal of this webinar is to identify signs, triggers and ways to relieve and manage stress.

Nov. 19, 2015

Anger Management

Do you know your anger style? How about how to deal effectively with anger (your own or someone else's)? Join us for this webinar to talk about all things anger-related and to pick up some beneficial tips and tools for addressing and handling it.

Nov. 24, 2015

Children and Moving

This webinar will focus on the challenges children face when moving to a new location and offer effective coping strategies to help the children with the transition and adapting to a new location.

Dec. 1, 2015

Conflict Resolution: Ages 4 to 12

This webinar is for parents and caregivers and discusses conflict resolution for children ages 4 to 12. It addresses how to understand conflict, tips on how to address conflict, as well as communication guidelines, ground rules for handling conflict, problem solving and resources available.

Dec. 3, 2015

Creating a Healthy Marriage

The wedding is over and now the (fun!) work begins. Join us for a discussion on ignoring the myths of marriage, overcoming conflict and how to create a happy, healthy marriage.

Dec. 8, 2015

From Couplehood to Parenthood

This webinar will educate participants on the many changes that occur during the transition to parenthood.

Dec. 9, 2015

Matri-Money Money and Marriage

You and your spouse can talk about anything and everything - except for dollars and cents! Finances are often an emotionally-charged topic, and many couples avoid it altogether, which can lead to financial trouble. Join us to discuss financial goal setting, get tips on talking about money without hurting each other's feelings and learn why finances are a hot-button topic.

Dec. 15, 2015

Parenting Skills for the Single Service Member

Parenting skills for the Single Service Member will focus on the perspective of being a single parent while serving in the military. The webinar will discuss the single parents’ personal expectations, positive discipline and communication techniques, family separation and support systems.

Dec. 17, 2015

Preparing for Your Parents’ Deployment

This webinar assists parents and caregivers with preparing children for deployment. It addresses what children can expect during deployment, the positive aspects of deployment, possible stress associated with deployment, the effects of that stress and how to help children cope with the stress of having a deployed parent.


Nov. 30, 2014

Confidential Non-Medical Counseling Services

This brief webinar provides an overview of Military OneSource no-cost confidential non-medical counseling, including how the consultant helps find the counselor that meets your needs and schedule.


July 27, 2012

DoD Instruction 1342.22, "Military Family Readiness"

This webinar explains the Directive that establishes policies, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures on family policy for Department of Defense personnel.

June 25, 2012

Non-medical Counseling

Non-medical counseling is available through Military OneSource and the Military and Family Life Counselor (MFLC) Program. After attending this webinar, participants will have a better understanding of non-medical and medical counseling, the differences between the two, and the types of issues non-medical counseling can support. Participants will also be provided with an overview of the types of support available through Military OneSource and MFLC non-medical counseling and how eligible individuals can access support.


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