DON IM/IT/Cyberspace Vision, Mission and Goals

Published, May 5, 2011

Be Enterprise, Be Effective, and Be Efficient


Secure, relevant, accessible information provided in an Effective and efficient manner throughout the Naval Enterprise.


Provide Effective/efficient, trusted and shared IM/IT/cyberspace and Information Resource Management (lRM) enterprise capabilities to support the DON, Marines, Sailors, and their mission partners conducting global military and business operations.


  1. Sustain an operationally Effective, integrated, secure, and efficient IM/IT/cyberspace and IRM capability.
  2. Ensure protection of sensitive information, including personally identifiable information, and timely access to trusted authoritative information to enable Effective decision making and mission support.
  3. Attract, develop and retain a highly competent IM/IT/cyberspace and IRM Total Force.
  4. Ensure all IM/IT/cyberspace and IRM investments are Effective, efficient, planned, aligned, and acquired to support DON Enterprise strategies.

View the DON IM/IT/Cyberspace Strategic Objectives for Fiscal Years 2014-2018.

TAGS: CIO Authorities

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