The Comptroller executes the command’s annual budget according to fiscal law.

The Comptroller also articulates current and future year requirements to the Army, Department of Defense, and federal agency partners to ensure adequate resourcing of command mission priorities. The Comptroller provides resource analysis and oversight, and advises command leadership on issues related to audits, contract management, travel, and other financial support operations.

The office is divided into three divisions: budget execution, integration, and program and management.

Its major functions address issues such as: funds distribution; financial reporting and accounting support; current and prior year budget execution; development of future year funding and manpower requirements; financial management and fiscal policy support to exercises, contingencies, and operational planning teams; budget support for contingency operations; financial management and support to the Offices of Defense Cooperation; civilian pay costing, funding, and execution; the command’s operating budget and funding strategy development; command resourcing processes development and execution; coordination of financial management issues with external agencies; EUCOM travel program management; government purchase card program management; and contracting advice and support.

EUCOM is one of three combatant commands to receive headquarters operations funding from the U.S. Army (Combatant Command Support Agency). In addition to working with the EUCOM staff, the Comptroller leverages relationships with other resourcing partners including: Congressional Appropriation & Authorization Committee staffs; the Office of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Staff; the U.S. Army; Defense and Support Agencies; component comptrollers; SHAPE/NATO; the Department of State; the DoDIG and GAO; and combatant commands.

Address: HQ USEUCOM/ECCM, Unit 30400, APO AE 09131
Comm: +49 (0)711-680-5985
DSN: 314-430-5985
Fax: +49 (0)711-680-6350


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