Obscurants - Smoke & Target Defeat


obscurantsThe Smoke & Target Defeat Branch conducts research in the areas of obscurants, non-lethal (riot control and anti-materiel), flame and incendiary, aerodynamics and other unconventional technologies. The team develops new concepts, new materials, and the means to disseminate them.



  • Aerodynamic testing and analysis using wind tunnels (subsonic, transonic and supersonic)
  • Liquid fill stability expertise
  • Non-lethal technology expertise
  • Component/system design
  • obscurantsAerosol wind tunnel – collector characterization
  • Technology feasibility demonstration
  • Skunkworks atmosphere
  • Fully instrumented aerosol test chambers to measure the performance of materials and equipment in the Ultraviolet, visible, infrared, and Millimeter Ware Radar regions of the spectrum