U.S. Army Reserve

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364th ESC Soldiers make marksmanship part of AN 16

By Sgt. Daniel Lybeck | 364th Expeditionary Sustainment Command | June 19, 2016

Friday, June 17, 2016 --
U.S. Army Reserve, and U.S Army Europe Soldiers competed against Polish Army Soldiers in a Marksmanship competition at the Warszawsk Brygada Range May 28, 2016.

Eight U.S. Army competitors fired Polish Army weapons including the FB Beryl rifle and the WIST-94 handgun against another team of eight Polish Soldiers.

The competition was organized as an early celebration of Veteran of Overseas Military Activities' Day, which falls on May 29. 

Many veterans and service members were invited to shoot the weapons and test their aiming proficiencies. 

“All the guests here today are veterans, and great veterans from missions in Afghanistan and all other missions, and our commander has also invited U.S. Forces to take part in this competition to check your skills,” said Pfc. Mircim Jasek, with 1st Warsaw Armored Brigade, who volunteered to come out and translate instructions for the U.S. Army competitors. 

“I think the communications are going really well, as you can see, we can speak freely and everything is ok,” said Jasek.

“They are giving us really good directions, telling us how to fire the weapons, telling us how many rounds we have, and what the commands actually are on the range, so they’ve been really helpful,” said competitor and Sgt. Ashley Redd, an Information Technology Specialist, with the 324th Expeditionary Signal Battalion, Bravo Co. based in Fort Warden, Ga.

The event was a good break for the U.S. Army Soldiers who got to get away from the usual work and interact with Polish Forces.

“I hope to get a good experience, have a little bit of competition, and have a little bit of fun since we have been doing nothing but work, so it's nice to be out here on the range and actually be able to shoot,” said Redd.

The marksmanship competition was great for getting Soldiers from different forces a chance to try different weapons and see how another Army operates on a range.

This training will support our Polish Army by letting us know your procedures, taking us closer to your language, and for your Soldiers, so they will know our weapons better, said Jasek. 

The competition was also an opportunity to build interoperability and friendships, which are important in keeping healthy alliances abroad.

“The interoperability is really the main reason we’re doing this, making friends and relationships, and also, reassurance,” said Sgt Maj. James Musnicki, 30th Medical Brigade, S3 Sgt Major, who has two of his Soldiers in the competition.

Story and photos by Sgt. Daniel Lybeck, 364th ESC Public Affairs

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