STARS (Scientific and Technical Information Archival & Retrieval System)

STARS is the Defense Threat Reduction Agency's (DTRA) strategic data preservation and knowledge management information system and one element of DTRA's knowledge preservation initiative aimed at collecting and preserving past, present, and future data and knowledge generated across all DTRA mission areas. STARS preserves data (reports/ documents, photographs, film, waveforms, tables, and diagrams) and the knowledge of the many experts in a single, readily accessible database, effectively archiving these diverse data forms while providing users with data access via search engines and online data analysis tools. There are two STARS systems; STARS-U for unclassified data and STARS-C for classified data.

Access to Irreplaceable Data

Access to knowledge and information is essential to every organization. Knowledge management empowers data managers and decision makers with the information store and analysis tools necessary to support decision making. The more versatile and adaptable the knowledge management system is, the easier it is to organize, archive, analyze, and retrieve specific subject areas of an organization's domain. The STARS program provides to its users rapid and intuitive online access to critical agency knowledge and all DTRA scientific and technical information products. As an archival system, STARS provides for the permanent retention of DTRA's data for posterity. As a retrieval system, STARS provides an easy to use and efficient means of accessing DTRA's data. The STARS data is multimedia. Current data holdings include documents, photographs, diagrams, numeric data, software, database tables, audio, and video. STARS has significantly improved and streamlined the methods that the entire community can generate, collect preserve, retrieve, analyze, and distribute scientific and technical information.

STARS Access

STARS can be accessed at
. In order to access STARS, you must first have an account from DTRIAC. A person requesting a STARS account must have an active security clearance. To request an account, contact DTRIAC by e-mail at or by telephone at 505-853-0854.