Q: What is DTRIAC?

: The Defense Threat Reduction Information Analysis Center (DTRIAC) is one of 12 Information Analysis Centers (IACs) established by the U.S. government to support researchers, scientists, engineers, and program managers with expertise in all areas of Defense research and engineering. DTRIAC is the DTRA-sponsored IAC that has been serving the nuclear community, among others, since 1961.

Q: What is DTRIAC's mission?

A: To understand the mission of the DTRIAC, it is best to start with the mission of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). Per DoD Directive 5105.62, DTRA is to safeguard the United States and its allies from weapons of mass destruction (WMD) (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high yield explosives) by providing capabilities to reduce, eliminate, and counter the threat and mitigate its effects.

The DTRIAC was chartered by the Department of Defense (DoD) in accordance with DoD Instruction 3200.14 in order to acquire, digest, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, store, publish, and disseminate scientific technical information pertaining to all of DTRA's mission areas in order to:

(1) Provide access to its collection of documents, films, photographs and data to present and future researchers and program managers.

(2) Assist DoD components/offices, other government agencies, and government contractors, as authorized, in the analysis and dissemination of information existing within the DTRIAC collection.

(3) To promote the exchange of technical information within the DTRIAC subject areas throughout DoD's research, development and acquisition communities. 

Q: What types of information will I find in DTRIAC?

A: Nuclear weapon effects (NWE) and weapons testing primarily. DTRIAC has extensive document, film and photograph collections encompassing these subject areas as well as hard target defeat and high explosive testing.

Q: Can I search for research documents online at DTRIAC?

A: The DTRIAC collection holdings can be researched online via the STARS system. STARS can be accessed via the NIPRNET/Internet at https://stars-legacy.dtra.mil 
and via the SIPRNET at https://stars.dtra.smil.mil. Access to STARS requires a user account and an active security clearance. Contact DTRIAC at (505) 853-0854 or via e-mail at DTRA-DTRIAC@mail.mil to obtain an account.

Q: I am looking for a technical report, and the STARS database does not have the report in electronic format. How can I order this document?

Contact DTRIAC at (505) 853-0854 or via e-mail at DTRA-DTRIAC@mail.mil

Q: Does DTRIAC have a public reading room?

A: No, DTRIAC does not have a reading room open to the general public.

Q: Does DTRIAC have a Visitor Research Area for authorized researchers?

A: Yes, DTRIAC has Visitor Research Area at our location at Kirtland AFB, NM for use by authorized US researchers approved by DTRA.

Q: Are any DTRIAC documents available to the general public?

A: No, access to the DTRIAC collection requires a US security clearance and an approved need to know by DTRA.

Q: Are there any resources at DTRIAC for approved university instructors and students?

A: University instructors and students who require access to DTRIAC resources must have an active security clearance and a DTRA sponsor who can authorize them access.

Q: How do I find news about DTRIAC?

A: You may sign up for our quarterly newsletter, the DTRIAC Dispatch, by simply emailing DTRA-DTRIAC@mail.mil 
and requesting to be placed on the distribution list.

Q: How do I get help on the DTRIAC website?

You may contact DTRA-DTRIAC@mail.mil, 
ATTN: DTRIAC webmaster for assistance. Additionally, each web product has contact information for product-specific questions.

Q: How can I contact DTRIAC?

Visit our Contact Us page for phone, address, and other contact information.

Q: Is it OK for me to link to the DTRIAC website from my home page?

A: In most cases, yes. Please contact us for details.

Q: Where do I send feedback on this website?

Please send all website feedback to DTRA-DTRIAC@mail.mil
Additional contact information can be found on our Contact Us page.

Q: Where do I send feedback on DTRIAC’s STARS website?

A: Please send all STARS website feedback to DTRA-DTRIAC@mail.mil