Chemical Biological (CB) Detection


Laser Standoff Detection

Laser Standoff DetectionMission

The Laser Standoff Detection Branch provides a variety of technology services and products to military customers to enhance their capability to detect chemical and biological agent threats. Other military or civilian applications for our expertise or technology may be explored if beneficial to the taxpayer, who is our ultimate customer. We maintain world-class expertise in standoff detection technologies and their supporting sciences


The Laser Standoff Detection Branch has the capability to design, develop, and test active standoff detection hardware, software, and algorithms.






Passive Standoff Detection

Passive Standoff DetectionMission

The Laser Standoff Detection Branch provides a variety of technology services and products to military customers to enhance their capability to detect chemical and biological agent threats. Other military or civilian applications for our expertise or technology may be explored if beneficial to the taxpayer, who is our ultimate customer. We maintain world-class expertise in standoff detection technologies and their supporting sciences


The Laser Standoff Detection Branch has the capability to design, develop, and test active standoff detection hardware, software, and algorithms.



Point Detection

Point DetectionMission

The Point Detection Branch’s mission is to be recognized as the world leader in point detection research as it applies to chemical and biological agent detection and identification. The Point Detection Branch (PDT) values the people who comprise the team. They believe that each member of the team has an important function, provides a valuable service, and is vital to the success of the mission of the team. The PDT also values the work that it performs. Thus, it is dedicated to performing the research and supporting tasks to the best of our abilities and with a minimum of delay such that our customers get the best value for their money.


The PDT has expertise in the areas of ion molecule reactions, signal processing, mass spectral interpretation, detector-to-computer interfacing, ion mobility spectrometry, and biological detection.





Technology Evaluation


The CB Technology Evaluation Branch conducts Technical Readiness Evaluations (TRE) in areas providing the highest impact to identify the most viable technologies for development and to provide standardized test technologies for system evaluations. The Branch is paramountly customer oriented, and coordination with users and development programs to do the "right" test at reduced costs is the primary focus.


The Technology Evaluation Branch has the capability to identify, initiate, plan, coordinate and execute Technical Readiness Evaluations. The mix of expertise includes technology experts in chemical and biological detection, data analysis and test instrumentation.