J3 - European Command Plans and Operations Center (EPOC)
The J3 Directorate is also known as the EUCOM Plans and Operations Center (EPOC), which directs the development and execution of operations supporting U.S. interests and regional alliances in the command’s area of responsibility.

The J3 ensures joint and combined warfighting capability through operational directives, plans, orders, joint training, and exercises, and is the principle conduit of information and requirements between national command authorities, the Joint Staff, NATO, EUCOM and subordinate commands.

The EPOC is comprised of eight divisions with specific missions:

Operations Division -- provides cross-functional teams to respond to emerging crises, conduct operations and day-to-day command and control through the Joint Operation Center.

Plans Division -- conducts near- and mid-term planning for counter-terrorism, contingency and crisis actions.

Information Operations and Space Division -- monitors and shapes the information environments to support the commander’s active strategy and is the lead division in cyber domains.

Information Superiority and Knowledge Management -- develops and implements collaborative information environments to provide process and technology solutions for decision makers to command and control forces with maximum efficiency.

Integrated Air and Missile Defense Division –  organizes, plans, and conducts theater-integrated air and missile operations with allies, partner nations, NATO, component commands and other U.S. government agencies and military commands.

Anti-Terrorism Division -- provides EUCOM leadership and subordinate commands with anti-terrorism policies, programs, tools, assessments and resource information to ensure personnel and asset security.

Joint Training, Readiness and Exercise Division -- executes the commander’s joint training program to enhance mission readiness and war fighting capabilities and promote theater security cooperation.

Resource Division -- provides EPOC with administrative personnel support, program management, and human resources support.

Address: HQ USEUCOM/EPOC, Unit 30400, APO AE 09131
Comm.: +49 (0)711-680-4169
DSN: 314-430-4169

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