R 292147Z JUL 14 ALCOAST 320/14 COMDTNOTE 1754 SUBJ: SAPR CRISIS INTERVENTION TEAMS (SAPR CIT) A. Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program, COMDTINST M1754.10 (series) 1. Commanding Officers must have well-coordinated professional resources and practical tools to ensure a timely and appropriate response to reports of sexual assault. Victims of sexual assault require our utmost care and support. The chain of command must receive timely reports to ensure accountability and necessary oversight. For these purposes, I am directing the use of a coordinated team approach to manage the short-term response to reports of sexual assault. This approach models a best practice that is already in existence at certain units. 2. The SAPR Crisis Intervention Team (SAPR CIT) will expand the existing Crisis Intervention Team concept beyond workplace violence incidents to also respond to sexual assault incidents. This will help improve collaboration and response immediately following an unrestricted report of sexual assault. The SAPR CIT is a body that convenes to promote communication across programs. While the specifics of the criminal investigation will not generally be reviewed, team members will discuss appropriate courses of actions for each specific case and carry out those actions within their own technical authorities and expertise in close coordination with each other. A SAPR CIT will provide primary coordination for incident response similar to the existing process for workplace violence incidents. 3. SAPR CIT Membership shall consist of the responding Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), assigned Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) special agent, a judge advocate from the servicing legal office, a medical representative, and senior representatives from the victims and subjects commands. To assist units with implementation and use of the SAPR CIT, the Unit Commanders Checklist for Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assault and a Sexual Assault (SA) Incident Reporting Template are available at http://www.uscg.mil/sapr/sapr(underscore)command(underscore)toolkit.a sp: CG Form Number to be assigned. 4. SAPR CIT Responsibilities. A. Upon receiving a report of a sexual assault, the Commanding Officer/Officer in Charge of the victims unit shall ensure a SAPR CIT is initiated as soon as practicable, but within no more than 24 hours, or shall elevate that responsibility up the chain of command to the next senior command. The SAPR CIT will also assist the command in completing the Unit Commanders Checklist for Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assault and the SA Incident Report. The SA Incident Report must be completed within 72 hours of command notification of the report of sexual assault and delivered to the next level in the chain of command. B. Each SAPR CIT meeting shall consist of all required representatives. Meetings should be held in-person if possible, unless doing so would cause undue delay, a meeting may be convened via phone if members are unable to meet in person. Other than immediate and necessary actions by CGIS, decisions for pre-trial confinement and provisions of victim support, no SAPR CIT member shall take action prior to the initial meeting. The SAPR CIT shall convene: (1) As soon as practicable, but no more than 24 hours, after an allegation of sexual assault is received. (2) Following substantial developments in the case response. (3) At least monthly following the allegation of sexual assault. (4) Prior to case disposition. (5) As requested by a SAPR CIT member. Commands will determine at the initial meeting who will coordinate future meetings of the CIT. However, commands retain responsibility for ensuring the SAPR CIT complies with this direction. In the event a PCS expedited transfer for the victim is executed prior to final case disposition, the SAPR CIT will coordinate continuing membership responsibilities between the victims original and receiving Command, CGIS, Legal, SARC and medical representatives covering both commands. The Subjects Command representative at the time of the incident will remain a participant in SAPR CIT regardless of victim transfer. C. The SAPR CIT shall engage in discussion to: (1) Review information that is not sensitive to the investigation, does not violate privilege, or fall outside a members release authority, i.e. HIPPA, and engage in open dialogue. (2) Coordinate a timely response by developing an agreed upon course of action with respect to each members corresponding roles. (3) Ensure the victims interests, subjects rights, and investigative goals are top priorities. (4) Coordinate efforts and communicate, as appropriate, with the disposition authority. (5) Assist the command in completing the Unit Commanders Checklist for Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assault and a SA Incident Report in a timely manner. 5. POC: Ms. Shawn Wren COMDT (CG-1111), at 202-475-5163, or Shawn.M.Wren(at)uscg.mil. 6. VADM Peter V. Neffenger, Vice Commandant, sends. 7. Internet Release Authorized.