R 012244Z APR 13 ALCOAST 141/13 COMDTNOTE 1000 SUBJ: SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH 1. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). This special emphasis campaign provides an opportunity for us to rededicate our efforts to eliminating sexual assault within the Coast Guard. Eradicating this criminal behavior from our ranks is essential to mission readiness and, more importantly, fulfills a foundational commitment to each other as shipmates. 2. Much has been accomplished over the past year in improving our ability to prevent and respond to sexual assaults. New policies, enhanced training, improved access to victim support services and greater communications provide us with important tools to achieve our goal of eliminating sexual assault from the Coast Guard. We all know that more work remains. 3. To promote awareness and to reinforce the critical role of leadership in preventing and responding to sexual assaults in the Coast Guard, all Commanders, Commanding Officers, Officers-in-Charge, Deputy and Assistant Commandants, and Chiefs of Headquarters staff elements are directed to conduct a unit all-hands SAAM discussion during the month of April 2013. 4. These events should facilitate open, frank, and productive unit-level discussions about sexual assault prevention and response. Commands should incorporate the standardized toolkit available at: http://www.uscg.mil/sapr. The toolkit includes videos featuring the Commandant and Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard providing personal messages on the imperative to focus our efforts on preventing sexual assault. Commands may hold or participate in additional SAAM events as desired. 5. This month, the Commandant will promulgate the Coast Guard SAPR Strategic Plan. This foundational document will be distributed to every command in the Coast Guard. It will outline our strategy to eliminate sexual assault Service-wide. This plan establishes measurable goals and objectives clearly delineating the path to a Coast Guard free from the destructive impacts of sexual assault. I direct every leader, manager, supervisor, service member, civilian employee, and auxiliarist to actively participate in SAAM activities and Coast Guard efforts to eliminate sexual assault. Achieving our goal will require the active involvement of all hands, your shipmates deserve nothing less. 6. VADM J. P. Currier, Vice Commandant, sends. 7. Internet release authorized.