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ECBC Publications

The Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) produces multiple publications every year. These publications help inform and demonstrate ECBC's place as the principal research and development resource for non-medical chemical and biological (CB) defense.

Featured Publication

CBARR News Summer 2016

featured cover image

CBARR News features the latest news about the Chemical Biological Application and Risk Reduction Unit at ECBC, including capability and project highlights, employee spotlights, and leadership messages. This edition features stories on:

  • Developmental testing of new explosive destruction technology for potential U.S. use
  • CBARR's ability to provides complete lifecycle management of CB projects
  • Continuing to manage changing needs While supporting lifecycle of Spring Valley project

Solutions / ECBC Annual Year in Review

Solutions is the annual ECBC Annual Report. Every year ECBC collects all of it's CB project work into this document. It acts as a showcase for the year that was and seeks to demonstrate how ECBC will operate in the future.

Past Issues:

ECBC Newsletters

ECBC produces three newsletters for each of it's directorates. These newsletters provide deeper insight into each of the Directorates as well as news stories about projects and employees.

Past Issues:

ECBC In-House Laboratory Independent
Research (ILIR) Program Annual Report

Proceedings of the ECBC In-House Laboratory Independent Research (ILIR) and Surface Science Initiative (SSI) Program Annual Report. The ECBC ILIR Program funds innovative basic research projects that are high-risk with high potential for fulfilling future Army capability needs.

Past Issues:

ECBC Fact Sheets

ECBC produces a number of facts sheets for various projects, buildings and capabilities. Below you will find the most recent ones.

Recent fact Sheets

ECBC Publication Archive