Applied Detection Technology

Applied Detection Technology ECBC Engineering’s detector evaluation involves testing with chemical agents and toxic compounds in a wide range of environmental conditions. Detector evaluation testing is ISO 17025 accredited.



  • Lab-based, portable and/or kits detection system evaluations
  • Liquid, aerosol, vapor and solids testing using chemical warfare agents (CWAs), novel threat compounds and toxic industrial chemicals (TICs)
  • Military lifecycle, Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) and prototype detection
  • Environmental conditions (e.g., temperature and relative humidity)
  • Lab and field testing using various interferents
  • Ultra-trace to high level concentrations
  • Analytical Detection Methodology Development
  • Approved customers may be present during testing for real-time adjustments to detector parameters



  • Gas Chromatographs (GC) (FPD, FID, PFPD and XSD) including MINICAMS®
  • Ultra Violet/Visual (UV/Vis) Spectrophotometer
  • Patented Vapor Generation System
  • Three 100-ft environmental chambers
  • Sixteen surety-approved fume hoods, walk-in hoods and glove boxes