Manufacturing and Industrial Base Policy

Our mission is to ensure robust, secure, resilient, and
innovative industrial capabilities upon which the
Department of Defense can rely to fulfill
the Warfighter’s requirement


Upcoming Proposers’ Day for Next MII
Award given to the winner

On Friday, June 17 and Thursday, June 23, the Government will hold Proposers’ Days for the next Manufacturing Innovation Institute, focused on accelerating innovation by investing in industrially relevant manufacturing technologies with applications in the Tissue Biofabrication Ecosystem. Proposers’ Days familiarize potential proposers with the concept and vision for the Advanced Tissue Biofabrication Manufacturing Innovation Institute (ATB-MII). They are informational only and attendance is not a prerequisite for submitting a proposal – but they provide a valuable opportunity for potential proposers to ask question about the solicitation. The upcoming Proposers’ Days details are:

  • Friday, June 17, 2016:
    • ANSER Conference Center, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, Virginia
  • Thursday, June 23, 2016
    • Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute, 1415 N. Cherry Ave., Chicago, IL 60642
  • Registration information, agendas, and details for both days can be found on the Proposers’ Day website.
  • Check out video from a recent White House announcement focused on reducing organ waiting lists and how ATB-MII will help support life-saving initiatives.

Click here to read more about the Department of Defense’s role in the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation.

Warm Welcomes & Fond Farewells
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Over the past few months, the Manufacturing and Industrial Based Policy (MIBP) office welcomed new leadership, promoted one of their own, and said farewell to some key team members.

Mr. Ryan McDermott started as Principal Director for MIBP on April 25, 2016. Prior to joining MIBP, Mr. McDermott served as Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management & Comptroller). Mr. McDermott’s full biography can be found on the MIBP leadership page .

Ms. Melinda K Woods, previously the Assistant Director of Strategic Programs, was appointed Director of the Defense Production Act (DPA) Title III Program on March 1, 2016. More information about DPA Title III and Ms. Woods is located on the DPA Title III website .

In March, MIBP bid a fond farewell to Mr. Ben Richardson and Dr. Sally Sleeper. Since November 2014, Mr. Richardson served as the Director of Global Markets and Investments and as DoD lead for the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States. He left MIBP to serve as the Deputy Director for Security Policy and Oversight in the Office Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.

Dr. Sleeper, a member of the MIBP team through the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Program, returned to the RAND Corporation in her new role as director of the Arroyo Center’s Strategy, Doctrine, and Resources program. Click here to read reflections by Mr. Richardson and Dr. Sleeper on their time at MIBP, and discover more information on their new roles.

While the MIBP team will miss Mr. Richardson and Dr. Sleeper, we look forward to working with Mr. McDermott and Ms. Woods in their new leadership roles.

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gear.iconDefense Production Act (DPA)

Ensuring Industrial Support for
National Defense

Ensuring industrial base capabilities meet
current and future national security needs.

-> Learn more about DPA

Committee on Foreign Investment in the

Under Title VII of the Defense Production Act
the President has delegated authority to review
foreign acquisitions of U.S.-based firms and suspend or block them if they present credible threats to national security.

-> Learn more about CFIUS


Defense Manufacturing Technology Program

Develops technologies and processes to
ensure the affordable, timely production and
sustainment of defense systems.

-> Learn more about ManTech
gear.iconSector-by-Sector, Tier-by-Tier

Assessing the Industrial Base

An ongoing project which, through multiple efforts, gathers industrial base data, maps supplier relationships, and evaluates industrial capabilities to deliver systems and services.

-> Learn more about S2T2

Industrial Independent Research & Development

IR&D is a source of potential solutions for the technology challenges of the DoD. It is an R&D effort that is neither sponsored by a grant, nor required in performing a contract, and falls within any of the following four areas: basic research, applied research, development, and systems and other concept formulation studies.

-> Learn more about IR&D

Promoting the U.S. and Canadian Industrial Base

In support of North American national security, the NATIBO facilitates technology and industrial base efforts between the U.S. and Canadian Defense Departments.

-> Learn more about NATIBO


-> Department of Defense
-> Department of Commerce
-> Department of Justice
-> ACQWeb
-> DoD Office of Small Business Programs
-> Defense Innovation Marketplace