Find results all of the words (Search Tips)

Collections Descriptions

with the exact phrase
with at least one of the words
without the words
File Format  return results of the file format
Occurrences Return results where my terms occur

Search Tips

Below are a few tips to enhance your research. Need help or have a question? Contact the DTIC Reference Team at 1-800-CALL-DTIC (1-800-225-3842) or send an email to

Boolean Operators connect and define the relationship between search terms. Narrow or broaden your results by using the three Boolean Operators AND, OR and NOT.
  • the phrase radar calibration will bring up the same results as radar AND calibration
  • radar OR calibration will find all content containing either one or both of these terms
  • bridge NOT cable will find all content containing bridge except content that mentions cable
Boosting is used to make one term more relevant than another. This is done by entering a term, phrases, or group followed by the boost operator ^, and then a value. The default boost value is 1, but can be any positive floating point number. Boosts between 0 and 1 will reduce the relevance.

  • quick^2 foxes will find all documents about foxes, especially quick foxes
Boosts can also be applied to phrases or to groups:

  • "jeep tank"^2
  • (light weapon)^4
Combining Truncation with Wildcards finds records that meet the conditions of the search terms that have a wildcard(s) or are truncated.

  • qu?ck bro* finds quick brown and quack brother
Nesting is used to create complex queries by grouping AND, OR, NOT, and NEAR statements using parentheses.

  • bridge AND (suspension OR concrete) NOT cable will bring up results for bridge suspension, or concrete bridge, but not cable bridge
Proximity Operator finds records with terms in proximity to each other throughout a document whether they are in the same field or not when the operator ~ is used. A proximity search allows us to specify a maximum edit distance of words in a phrase:

  • radar calibration~5 this will change the proximity to five words
Truncation is used to search a portion of a word by using an asterisk. The asterisk is used to represent the rest of the term, which will retrieve results that include words that begin with the entered letters.

  • terror* finds terrorism, terrorist, and terror
Wildcards are another way to return results that match a combination of characters. Replace a single character in a search term with a question mark.

  • defen?e finds defense and defence