
Additional resources (Budget Tools)
Budget Tools
Defense Innovation Marketplace
DoD Investment Budget Search (R-2s and P-40s) (formerly RDDS)
DoD Websites (Other DoD Resources for S&T)
DTIC Search
Information Analysis Centers (IACs)
Journals (Other DoD Resources for S&T)
Other Resources (Other DoD Resources for S&T)
Research Centers (Other DoD Resources for S&T)
R&E Gateway
Science and Technology
Security Classification Guides (SCGs)
Standards, Directives, Guidance
Support Organizations (Other DoD Resources for S&T)

Science and Technology

The Department of Defense science and technology (S&T) program consists of projects funded by the basic research, applied research, and advanced technology development budget activities of the department's research, development, test and evaluation (RDT&E) budget. The scope of DTIC's scientific and technical (S&T) collection covers all areas of defense research, including biological and medical science, environmental pollution and control, and behavioral and social science. The collection also contains Department of Defense (DoD) directives and instructions, budget information, conference and symposia proceedings, patents and patent applications, and other topics of interest to the defense community.

You can search our public collection by selecting the appropriate collection in the search box found in the top right corner of this website.
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Other DoD Resources for Science and Technology

Journals/Conference Proceedings

Other Resources

Research Centers

Support Organizations

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The R&E Gateway helps the defense S&T community build on past work, collaborate on current projects, and avoid duplication of effort. With better connections within DoD, the development and delivery of technologies to the armed forces can be accelerated. The R&E Gateway provides the means to connect the acquisition enterprise (DoD Labs, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs), Program Executive Offices, Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (AT&L) and Combatant Commands (CCMDs)). In an access controlled environment, all of DTIC's unclassified assets, tools and community interaction capabilities foster innovation, competition and identification of solutions. DoD conducts research at its 60+ labs, in the FFRDCs, DTIC's Information Analysis Centers (IACs), through contracts and grants, and across seventeen distinct priority area communities of interest; this work is available through the R&E Gateway. In addition, the R&E Gateway offers access to official defense scientific and technical information, collaborative tools, and subject matter experts. The Gateway helps the defense S&T community build on past work, collaborate on current projects, and avoid duplication of effort. With better connections within DoD, the development and delivery of technologies to the armed forces can be accelerated.
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This collective wiki enables the sharing and updating of technology development information instantly by the community. Uncover the latest research updates or store and share your research data.
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A virtual collaboration environment for the community to engage in dialogue, create content, coordinate projects and connect with colleagues. It is a planning tool to coordinate, discuss, consolidate and track project data.
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DTIC Search

Quickly discover public and access controlled DoD research projects and documents, as well as people, places and content from the DoDTechSpace community on your topic of interest. You can save time and money by finding current or past research data and discussions related to your project or people with the needed expertise.
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Budget Tools

DoD Budget Tools DTIC publishes searchable congressional budget data shortly after its release and offers both public and access-controlled sites to review and analyze DoD research and engineering funding data. The Center posts reports from the House and Senate committees that oversee the DoD budget information. DTIC posts this reformatted budget data within days of its release on the CONGRESS.GOV legislative information website operated by the Library of Congress. The budget data is thoroughly checked prior to posting, ensuring its accuracy and reliability.

Additional resources:

    DoD Comptroller website
    DoD Congressional Budget Data website
    DoD Investment Budget Search (R-2s and P-40s) (formerly Research and Development Descriptive Summaries (RDDS))
    This database furnishes the Department of Defense (DOD) investment budgetary/narrative information from the President's Budget (PB) Submissions or Justification Books. Investment budgets include both Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) and Procurement. RDT&E programs are described on R-2s and identified by Program Elements (PE Numbers). Procurement programs are described on P-40s and are identified by Line Item Numbers.
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Defense Innovation Marketplace

The Defense Innovation Marketplace provides a one-stop resource for the Department's Acquisition and Science and Technology professionals on information about industry's Independent research and development activities. The first application of Defense Innovation Marketplace is the new Independent Research and Development (IR&D) database. Defense Innovation Marketplace will allow input of Industry IR&D projects and display the results in several formats to registered DoD users.
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Information Analysis Centers (IACs)

The IACs are research and analysis organizations chartered by the DoD and operated by the DTIC to help researchers, engineers, scientists and program managers utilize existing Scientific and Technical Information (STI). They establish and maintain comprehensive knowledge bases that include historical, technical, scientific, and other data and information collected worldwide. IACs provide tactical relevance through direct connection to the Warfighter, and strategic value through long term trend analysis and recommendations. Products such as State-of-the-Art Reports (SOARs) provide a detailed analysis of immediate, critical challenges, while technical inquiry services offer a direct connection to a vast network of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from across government, industry and academia.

IACs also work directly with customers on Core Analysis Tasks (CATs) and Technical Area Tasks (TATs), both of which yield new STI. They also collect, maintain, and develop analytical tools and techniques, including databases, models, and simulations, and provide research and analysis services to customers with diverse, complex and challenging requirements. The Cyber Security & Information Systems Information Analysis Centers (CSIAC) is one of three Information Analysis Centers (IACs) sponsored by the DTIC. The current IACs and their technical domains are listed on the IAC website:
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Standards, Directives, Guidance

ASSIST (Military Standards and Specifications)

ASSIST is the official source for specifications and standards used by the Department of Defense and it always has the most current information. Over 111,000 technical documents are indexed in ASSIST, and the ASSIST document database houses over 180,000 PDF files associated with about 82,000 of the indexed documents. Managed by DLA Document Services in Philadelphia, the ASSIST-Online website provides free public access to most technical documents in the ASSIST database. The ASSIST Shopping Wizard provides a way to order documents from the DODSSP that are not available in digital form.
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Concept for Joint Operations: Joint Force 2020

This Capstone Concept for Joint Operations (CCJO) describes potential operational concepts through which the Joint Force of 2020 will defend the nation against a wide range of security challenges.

Department of Defense (DoD) Issuances (Directives, Instructions, and other publications)

The DoD Directives System provides for the orderly processing, approval, publication, distribution, internal review, and records management of DoD Directives, DoD Instructions, and DoD Publications. The DoD Directives System also includes the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Federal Register System. The database can be searched from the "Advanced Search" page and from its own search page.
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DoD Index of Security Classification Guides (SCGs)

DoD's most accurate source of classification instructions. (Access: Distribution C. Distribution authorized to U.S. Government Agencies and their contractors).
Department of Defense (DoD) Index of Security Classification Guides (SCGs) assists DOD component officials in determining whether their existing security classification guidance may be relevant to their systems, programs, plans, or projects. To access the SCG Index, you must be a registered DTIC user and access the SCGs via the R&E Gateway. Once in the R&E Gateway, click on DTIC A-Z in the footer to look under S for Security Classification Guide.
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Joint Electonic Library (JEL)

JEL is the primary authoritative source of Joint Doctrine, Education, Training and Related information (JDEIS). JDEIS contains a searchable database of all approved Joint Doctrine Publications, the DoD Dictionary, and is the sole authoritative source for the Universal Joint Task List. Additional documents may be found using JEL+, users need Common Access Cards (CAC) and workstations with CAC readers, or DoD-approved certificates to access JEL+.
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