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A representative from Marine Forces Pacific (events west of the Mississippi) or Marine Forces Command (events east of the Mississippi) will contact you to discuss the arrangements for the demonstration. Normally, these respective commands will contact event sponsors within 60 days of the event, however, coordination should be started at least 30 days prior, and completed no later than 14 days prior to the event start date.  While the Marine Corps will make every effort to coordinate a supporting Harrier squadron with event sponsors as far in advance as possible, shifts in operations and training schedules can lead to delays or a change in the squadron designated to support the event.



Any changes in event information, including dates, points of contact, etc., must immediately be presented to the Headquarters Marine Corps aviation liaison at 703-614-1034, or Support may be cancelled for selected events which fail to notify Headquarters Marine Corps with date changes after the site-selection board has convened.


For each scheduled demonstration, three AV-8B Harriers will arrive at the event, one for static display, one for the demonstration, and one in reserve. 

a. Crew Support: It is permissible for the sponsor to provide logistical support for participating Marines. Each pilot will bring one aircraft to the event, and eight ground crew men will follow via commercial air to provide maintenance support. 


b. Fuel: The aircraft use about 500 gallons of fuel per demonstration.  In addition to the fuel used during the demonstration, the aircraft must be filled with 1,000 gallons of fuel before departing for the home base.  Jet A fuel should be available on site at the government contract rate.  The pilots will pay with government credit cards, which requires a fuel source that will honor this type of payment.  The sponsor must pay any cost for fuel above the government contract price.


c. Water: The Harrier requires 60 gallons of distilled water per demonstration.


The Level III demonstration is approximately 8 to 10 minutes in duration.  The demonstration begins with the Harrier taxiing out in front of the grandstand for a short take off followed by a 90-degree climbing turn away from the grandstand.  The aircraft then does a reverse turn of 270 degrees to make a high speed pass over the runway at 500 feet.  (A minimum altitude of 200 feet and speeds above 250 knots require FAA approval.)  Next, the aircraft circles around, approaching the stands in the landing configuration, and comes to hover in front of the crowd.  It then backs up 50 to 100 feet, stops, translates left and then right 50 to 100 feet, stops again, and does a 360-degree spot turn.  Turning 90 degrees to align with the landing area, a rolling vertical landing is performed.  (A vertical landing can be done if the runway surface permits.)  This is followed by a vertical or a rolling vertical take-off into the wind (but not over the crowd) to a steep climb-out.  After turning downwind at 1,000 feet for a 180-degree position, the Harrier decelerates to do another vertical landing in front of the grandstand.  The craft then taxis and shuts down.



Safety requirements mandate a practice demonstration be conducted prior to the air show.  This can serve as an opportunity to publicize an event via the local media the day before the show.


If, at any time, a member of the supporting unit feels that the demonstration site has presented unsuitable or unsafe conditions for a demonstration, it is the responsibility of the Marine to delay or cancel support until the concerns have been accurately and completely resolved. If inclement weather, ground debris, or other factors compromises safety, the demonstration pilot may decide on-site that a full demonstration cannot be conducted.



Though events have been selected for support with due consideration for training and operational commitments for the supporting units, it is at the discretion of the commanding officer to annul support for a commitment due to unforeseen training, operational or safety requirements.  If this happens, the USMC will make every effort to provide other aircraft at your event, however, there are NO guarantees that additional aircraft will be available for support.


The event sponsor is highly encouraged to contact and coordinate meals, lodging, and transportation with the supporting unit before funding public announcements of Marine Corps attendance.  To coordinate Marine Corps assistance with publicizing demonstration support, contact the local Marketing and Public Affairs (MPA) Marine. To find your local MPA, contact Marine Corps Recruiting Command Headquarters Public Affairs at 703-784-9454.



Local Marine Corps recruiters MUST be invited to attend the event where the demo will take place, and should be allowed to set up a recruiting booth as close as possible to the Harrier or static display. 


The AV-8B Harrier and the MV-22 Osprey flight demonstration is one of the most sought-after aerial demonstrations offered by the U.S. military. Demonstrations are performed by the same aircraft and Marines who train and deploy in support of real-world contingencies. For this reason, Headquarters Marine Corps selects a handful of events to receive the coveted demonstration during the annual AV-8B Harrier and MV-22 Osprey Flight Demonstration Board.

2016 events have been selected and are as follows:

Please stand by for updated information.

* Alternate airshows will be given consideration if the Marine Corps is unable to support one of the 8 selected events. To reach the unit who was tasked with supporting your from Marine Corps Forces, Pacific please contact Mr. Timothy McGuire at 808-477-8847. To reach the unit who is tasked with supporting your event from Marine Corps Forces Command please Contact Master Gunnery Sgt. Garrett (757) 836-1635.

While the Marine Corps makes every effort to ensure selected sites receive designated aerial support, Marine Corps aviation units may cancel a scheduled appearance at any time due to unforeseen operational, training or safety requirements.

Please keep in mind that although your event may be eligible for support we may simply not be able to support it. With an increasingly high operations tempo and limited resources to meet our training and operational commitments we are required to take a hard look at all of our requests. So, understand that if we deny your request even though it may technically be eligible for support, we are not questioning the worthiness of the event, but rather enforcing Department of Defense and Marine Corps policy to preserve the operational and training requirements of our aerial units and to practice the prudent stewardship of taxpayer-financed resources.

The Marine Corps’ support of aerial events shall normally be at no additional cost to the Government. The Request for Military Aerial Support, DD Form 2535, will be utilized to determine the ability and willingness of the sponsors, military or civilian, to defray costs of military participation. Expenses incurred by sponsors include the following:

1.Meals consumed by participants when required to be away from station during normal meal hours, to include meals en route to distant locations.
2.Lodging costs when overnight billeting is required. It is the responsibility of the sponsor to locate and reserve billeting, whether in military or civilian facilities.
3.Local transportation between event site and billeting location and, for persons traveling by aircraft, transportation to and from the airport.
4.Although monetary reimbursement for participants in the amount equivalent to the per diem rate in the area of the event is preferred, sponsors may defray these expenses in kind by arranging for group rates at hotels, buffet-type feeding and courtesy transportation. Supporting commands must determine in advance of the event that the exact details of the sponsor’s logistical support is understood and mutually agreeable.
5.Marines participating in events away from their home station will be issued permissive travel orders. In the unlikely event that sponsors renege on their commitments to adequately defray expenses, Marines who participate in public events away from their home station are encouraged to carry sufficient cash to pay for their own meals and lodging, if required. Additionally, if transportation delays necessitate additional nights lodging and added meals, the sponsors cannot be expected to fund for these unforeseen expenses. Headquarters Marine Corps will make a reasonable effort to determine that sponsors understand their obligations to provide support prior to authorizing commands to participate in events outside their community relations area of responsibility. If Marines are forced to pay out-of-pocket expenses through no fault of their own, a claim for reimbursement may be submitted to the CMC (PAC) stating the circumstances that justify reimbursement and the nature and amount of costs incurred.
6.There is no requirement for sponsors to reimburse the supporting unit for fuel consumed; however, if fuel cannot be obtained at military contract prices at the site of the event, the sponsor must pay all costs, including transportation and handling, if necessary, over military contract prices. Pilots will make every effort to lessen the financial burden on the sponsor by purchasing minimum fuel from non-contract vendors. Use the closest military installation for fueling before arrival and after departure from the event site when feasible.
7.Additional support required from the sponsors before the aerial demonstrations can be approved may include the following: ◦A recent aerial photograph, taken vertically from an altitude of 5,000 feet or higher.
◦An ambulance and a doctor on the site during flight, parachute and rappelling/SPIE demonstrations and certain other aerial activities as determined in advance. c. Mobile fire fighting, crash and ground-to-air communications equipment at the demonstration site.
◦Security for aircraft during their stay.
8.Sponsors are required to obtain an FAA waiver for any public demonstration by military aircraft or parachutists. The final authorization for such demonstrations hinges upon the sponsor securing this waiver far enough in advance to permit adequate planning (normally no later than 60 days prior to the event). No waiver is required for static displays, but helicopters landing at areas other than operating airports for static displays may require advance FAA clearance.

The Marine Corps can provide aerial support--- fixed wing (jets, planes) or rotary (helicopters)---in support of certain community events. To get started, begin by thoroughly completing the Department of Defense “Request for Military Aerial Support” (DD form 2535) and submitting to  Do not fax requests. To assure your request is received and processed please include the asset requested, and the date and location of the event in the subject line (i.e. Color Guard Request-25July2014- Washington, D.C.). To confirm receipt or for any questions, call 703-614-1034.

This form must be completed by the sponsoring organization, certified by the “owner” of the event site and approved by the local Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Flight Standards District office (FSDO) before submission to the Marine Corps Public Affairs.

All requests for Marine Corps single aircraft demonstration, static display, or flyover must be submitted at least 90 days in advance of the event, and not more that one year in advance. Incomplete forms and requests received within 30 days of the event will not be considered. We do not schedule specific aircraft or units for specific events. We determine the eligibility of the event itself for potential aviation support of public events that meet the criteria outlined in Marine Corps Order 5720.73 w/ change 1. Once we deem an event eligible for Marine Corps support, it is the requestor's responsibility to directly contact and coordinate the possible participation of Marine Corps aviation units.

Once we determine eligibility or non-eligibility of a request, we will send you an email notifying you whether your event meets DOD and Marine Corps criteria for eligibility. If eligible, you will be provided with a list of Public Affairs Offices at various Marine Corps Bases, as well as their phone numbers. Contact these offices to further coordinate support of your request. However, please keep in mind that there is no guarantee a Marine Corps aviation unit can/will support your event, as participation in public events is secondary to regularly scheduled training and operations. If your event is not eligible for Marine Corps participation, you will also be notified via email and provided a reason.

Also, please keep in mind that although your event may be eligible for support, we may simply not be able to support it. With an increasingly high operations tempo and limited resources to meet our training and operational commitments, we are required to take a hard look at all of our requests. So, understand that if we deny your request, even though it may be technically eligible for support, we are not questioning the worthiness of the event, but rather enforcing DoD and Marine Corps policy to preserve the operational and training requirements of our aviation units and to practice the prudent stewardship of taxpayer-financed resources. The Deputy Commandant for Aviation is the final approving authority for units participating in any Community Relations events. Submission Instructions for Aerial Support Requests

1.Open and complete the online DD Form 2535 file on the aviation support web page using this website. Fill out required fields (marked in red) with as many specifics as possible as the form will not be accepted otherwise.

2.Once the form has been completed and submitted, print off a hard copy (needed for FAA/FSDO portion of form)

3.(Skip to Step Four if only requesting Static Display)

Fax or email the request and to your local Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) ◦An ink signature is required in box 19d. FAA Coordinating Official's Signature in the region that the flyover is to take place must sign here.

Go to to locate your local FSDO. Please note your local FAA/FSDO minimum notification requirements for aviation request reviews and ensure you allot that extra time into the request process. For example, if your event takes place in December, the completed submission should reach the Marine Corps no later than October; however, if your local FAA/FDSO office requires a minimum 45 day notice for review, the request should be sent to that FAA/FDSO office no later than August.

4.Once your local FAA/FSDO office has completed their review and has signed off on your DD form 2535,ensure signature is visible and information fully legible. Scan as a .pdf file and email the entire request with signature in 19d. In the email's subject line, type "Request for Marine Corps Aviation Support".

Section IV must be completed, signed and returned to you by the FAA before you submit the entire request form to the Aviation Coordinator at Headquarters Marine Corps.

Send your FAA, FSDO approved DD2535 to

5.Look for a confirmation email that determines your events eligibility. Eligibility will be determined based upon the criteria outlined in MCO P5720.73 w/ch 1.

Even if your request meets the eligibility criteria outlined in MCO P5720.73 w/ch 1, you do not automatically receive support for your event.

6.If your event is determined to be eligible for support, you must contact the potential supporting unit's Public affairs Office directly to assist with further coordination for the event. Please realize that all Marine Corps units have specific military missions and training requirements. Participation in public programs will only be authorized when such support is in the best interests of the Department of Defense and the Marine Corps and does not interfere with mission or training programs. In all cases, operational commitments must take priority and can cause previously scheduled appearances to be cancelled.

DOD Policy, and Exception to Policy, for DOD aviation support of public events:

Per Department of Defense Directive 5410.18 (Public Affairs Community Relations Policy), approval for eligibility of U.S. military aviation in support of public events is based on several key criteria so as to limit interference with the operations and training of aviation units, and to set reasonable limits for their use. Requests for U.S. military aviation support must fall within the following (otherwise, it may be considered as an exception to policy):

•Civilian-sponsored formal observances, open to the public, of Armed Forces Day (Third Saturday in May); Memorial Day (last Monday in May); Independence Day (July Fourth); Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Recognition Day (Third Friday in September); and Veterans Day (November Eleventh) when held within seven days of the holiday date.

•Aviation-related events in which the primary objective is to demonstrate or encourage the advancement of aviations, such as air shows, airport dedications and anniversaries, and aviation expositions.

•Ceremonies honoring foreign dignitaries except when directed by E.O.s or the Secretary of Defense.

•Events held on a military installation

•Official Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) or Military Service Academy graduation ceremonies.

•“Exception to Policy” requests are those events which do not fall into one of the above mentioned categories, but is a public event, i.e., sporting events. When submitting your request, ensure you include as much pertinent information on your request as possible. Whether or not a request for U.S. military aviation support falls within or is an exception to current DOD policy and regulations is determined by each branch of service.

For all international Marine Corps asset requests, please contact the Public Affairs office of the Unified Combatant Command in the respective area where the event will take place.

Those requests shall be forwarded through command channels to the ASD(PA) for approval. Approval shall be based upon program, sponsor, site, support criteria, and upon any recommendations or requests for an exception to policy offered by applicable commanders.

Unified Combatant Commands:

United States Central Command
(Community Relations) Commercial: 813-827-7010/DSN 651-7010

United States European Command
(Public Affairs) Commercial: +49-07031-15-3598
DSN: 314-431-3598

United States Pacific Command
(Public Affairs) Commercial: 808-477-1341

United States Northern Command

(Community Relations) Commercial: 719-556-5185 or 719-556-8228
DSN: 834-8228

United States Southern Command
(Public Affairs) Commercial: 305-437-2554
DSN: 567-2554

United States Africa Command
(Public Affairs)Commercial: +49 (0)711 680-113
DSN: (314) 430-1110

About Aerial Support

Per guidance of the Department of Defense, aviation support is limited. To have your event considered for 2016, please ensure you have submitted your completed DD Form 2535 request through the online application process by 10 Oct 2015. Applications will not be considered if they are submitted after that date. To submit your application please read and follow the submission instructions below.

Complete an Asset Request Form. Submit theDD Form 2535 online, print the form out, then send your request to your local Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) for approval by the FAA. For help on locating your local FSDO, click  here.

Once you get the request back from the FSDO, scan and email the form  here. For additional support, please contact the aviation coordinator at 703-614-1034.

The Department of Defense requires all support provided by Marine Corps assets to be incidental to the hosting event. Any changes to information regarding the request after submission must be directly communicated to the aviation liaison including changes to event dates, points of contact, or telephone numbers. Failure to report any changes from the original request to the Marine Corps' aviation liaison prior to the convening of the selection board will disqualify the event for consideration in 2016.

Request Support

The Marine Corps can provide aerial support--- fixed wing (jets, planes) or rotary (helicopters)---in support of certain community events. To get started, begin by thoroughly completing the Department of Defense “Request for Military Aerial Support” (DD2535) and submitting to  Do not fax requests. To assure your request is received and processed please include the asset requested, and the date and location of the event in the subject line (i.e. Color Guard Request-25July2014- Washington, D.C.). To confirm receipt or for any questions, call 703-614-1034.