Chemical Biological (CB) Protection


CBR Filtration

CBR Filtration Mission

The CBR Filtration Branch provides superior technologies to protect the warfighter against respiratory exposure to toxic industrial compounds and chemical warfare agents. We investigate novel single pass and advanced air purification technologies to broaden the protection envelope and reduce logistical and physiological burdens imposed on users


  • Full spectrum chemical test laboratories with capability to evaluate novel air purification media (sorbents, catalysts, etc) and processes involving temperature, pressure, relative humidity, flow and chemical reaction.
  • Capability to generate wide range of chemical concentrations and detection. Laboratories are scaled to accommodate low to high flow volume (10 LPM to 2000 CFM) testing.
  • Modeling capability focused on component and full-scale integration into military platforms.


Respiratory Protection

Future maskMission

The Respiratory Protection Branch provides a center of excellence in respiratory protection through the design, test, and evaluation of advanced respiratory protective concepts and technologies


  • Respirator component design, manufacturing and integration expertise
  • Quantification of physiological and psychological performance at rest and exercise during mask wear
  • Voice communications testing
  • Development and validation of new performance oriented test methods
  • Testing of aerosol penetration through respirator filters and particulate filtration media