Field Operations / Systems / Deployable Lab Services


CBARR  Field Operations / Systems / Deployable Lab Services


RiskField Operations

  • Demolition of former CB process facilities
  • Support to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in remediation of formerly used defense sites (FUDS)
  • Support to the United Nations in non-proliferation activities
  • Environmental investigation for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on Laysan Island, Hawaii





EDS BeforeExplosive Destruction System (EDS)*

  • Transportable system designed to safely destroy range recovered, explosively configured, chemical-filled munitions
  • Operated on behalf of PM Non-Stockpile
  • Deployed system in CONUS over 10 times for emergency destruction of CW-filled munitions





Transportable Detonation Chamber (TDC)

  • Transportable system design to provide high throughput, safe destruction of chemical-filled, explosively configured and conventional munitions
  • Operated and maintained in partnership with CH2M HILL
  • Deployed system CONUS and OCONUS for CW munition destruction operations with a maximum demonstrated daily throughput of 16 munitions


Deployable Lab Services


Near Real Time Monitoring

  • Automated continuous monitoring systems provide near real-time detection of airborne contaminants to ensure worker safety
  • Instruments are gas chromatography(GC) based coupled with flame photometric or halogen specific detectors
  • Up to 32 systems can be linked and remotely controlled by computer
  • Deployed in both mobile and fixed configurations which are designed and fabricated to satisfy site specific requirements


On-Site Lab Analysis

  • Fully functional, mobile laboratories perform critical on-site analysis of air, water and soil samples
  • Utilizes state-of-the-art analytical instrumentation to monitor for chemical warfare agents as well as their breakdown products
  • Can operate on either land power or on-board electrical generators
  • Capable of 24-hour operation




NSCMP*EDS is the property of the Non Stockpile Chemical Materiel Program