U.S. Army Reserve


Citizen Soldiers recognized for 68 years of combined dedicated service

By | Staff Sgt. Sheila Holifield, Army Reserve Sustainment Command | January 11, 2016

Birmingham, Ala. -- Soldiers, family members and friends gathered to give special recognition to Lt. Col. Jackie Crittenden and Lt. Col. Alan Sconiers, Soldiers of the Army Reserve Sustainment Command (ARSC) in Birmingham, Ala. The retirement ceremony marked the closing out of their military careers which spanned 68 years of dedicated service.

Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Doll, commander of the ARSC, presided over the ceremony. In attendance were Crittenden’s wife, Mary Crittenden and their children, Stephen and Gina. Also, Sconiers’ wife, Angela Sconiers and their children, Brandon and Alayna.

Doll gave special thanks to the family members of both Soldiers and thanked them for their service and sacrifice to ensure the success of their husbands.

“Your never ending sacrifice did not go unnoticed because it is just as important as service in uniform,” said Doll.

As the ceremony gave honor to Crittenden and Sconiers for their service Doll recognized their personal contributions to the military and to the ARSC. 

“What you did made an impact and we will always remember your contribution,” said Doll. During the ceremony, Doll stated less than one percent answer the call to military service.

“Today, we honor two Soldiers who represent this less than one percent,” said Doll.

Crittenden’s career spans 39 years of military service representing Army National Guard and Army Reserve experience and multiple overseas deployments. He joined the ARSC as the logistics officer in December 2011.

He thanked the Lord for the opportunity to retire and said, “This has been a journey full of victories and tribulations.” Crittenden charged each of his fellow Soldiers to keep on giving.

“Life is a marathon, not a sprint, so learn to balance it out,” said Crittenden.

Crittenden and Sconiers crossed paths many times during their career as they both served in the Alabama National Guard and some of the same Army Reserve units. 

Sconiers’ career spans over 29 years of military service representing Army National Guard and Army Reserve experience and multiple overseas deployments. He joined the ARSC in February 2009. Sconiers’ agreed the journey wasn’t always easy.

“I give glory and honor to the good Lord,” said Sconiers. “You don’t make it 29 years by accident.”

He recognized the many “prayer warriors” who helped him along his journey and remarked on the direct connection between his spirituality and his military career.

“This life is about service, it’s about helping those coming behind you; and that’s all I have tried to do,” said Sconiers.

Each Soldier received several awards and special recognition for their service.

“No words bring the credit these Soldiers deserve,” said Doll. “Your individual commitment and dedication have been an inspiration to those who follow.”


Army Reserve Sustainment Command ARSC Retirement Ceremony