U.S. Army Reserve


The Army Reserve Sustainment Command holds assumption of command ceremony

By Staff Sgt. Sheila Holifield | Army Reserve Sustainment Command | October 21, 2015

Saturday, October 17, 2015 -- BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Soldiers of the Army Reserve Sustainment Command took part in an assumption of command ceremony Oct. 17 in Birmingham, Alabama. During the ceremony, the command and colors of the ARSC were passed from Maj. Gen. Les Carroll, commanding general of the 377th Theater Sustainment Command of Belle Chasse, Louisiana to Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Doll as he assumed control of the ARSC.

Maj. Gen. Carroll presided over the ceremony. Also involved in the ceremony were the 313th United States Army Band, Army Material Command-Army Reserve Element (AMC-ARE), commanded by Col. Jay Gilhooy, with Sgt. Maj. Jeffrey Renfro, Logistics Civil Augmentation Command (LOGCAP), commanded by Col. Thomas Niles, with Sgt. Maj. Nickolette Yungandreas, the Defense Contracting Management Agency (DCMA), commanded by Col. Robert Arnold, with Sgt. Maj. Ralph Sorrell, the Army Sustainment Command-Army Reserve Element (ASC-ARE), commanded by Col. Diana Torres, with Command Sgt. Maj. Michael Hovis, the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology-Army Reserve Element (ASA-ALT), commanded by Col. John Jacobi. 

Distinguished guests for the ceremony were Brig. Gen. Steven Eveker, commanding general for the Deployment Support Command of Birmingham, Alabama and Command Sgt. Maj. Richard Anderson, command sergeant major for the 377th. Special guests in attendance were, Doll’s wife, Karen, his brother Pat Doll, and sister-in-law Cathy Doll. 

During the ceremony, Command Sgt. Maj. Vicki Briggs, command sergeant major of the ARSC and the custodian of colors, passed the unit’s colors to Maj. Gen. Carroll and Carroll passed the colors to Brig. Gen. Doll charging him with the responsibility and authority of the ARSC. 

After the passing of the colors, Carroll gave thanks for the privilege of being an American and the honor of being an American Soldier and the opportunity to pass the unit colors from one authority to the next. 

“Be proud of what you represent, standing with those colors,” said Carroll to the ARSC Soldiers. 

He continued to give thanks to Doll’s wife, Karen, for all her years of service to our nation and for stepping up and taking this mantle of responsibility together. 

“The ARSC is complicated, the diversity of this command is staggering,” said Carroll. “I am utterly confident that he will be a great commander.”

Carroll expressed his confidence in Doll to care for and lead the ARSC Soldiers. 

“Jeff, be strong and very courageous,” said Carroll.   

Doll was humbled by the opportunity to command one of the most diversified commands in the Army Reserve. He recognized all commanders, CSMs, guests, friends, and family and the outstanding work of Brig. Gen. Phillip Jolly. 

“General Jolly blazed a path of success for the command and left a high bar for me to climb,” said Doll. 

As he addressed the Soldiers of the ARSC, he acknowledged their tremendous effort and service with a round of applause. 

“The Army is a team sport and nothing happens without the hard work and commitment of dedicated Soldiers and Civilians; so I thank them for working tirelessly,” added Doll. 

To be able to command the ARSC is one of the greatest honors ever bestowed upon me in my time in the Army, said Doll. 

“As I continue to learn the unique nature of the ARSC, it becomes clearer to me every day what an incredibly capable and talented organization it is,” said Doll. 

ARSC Soldiers are deployed around the globe supporting combatant commanders, Army service component commands, Department of Defense and Army agencies and directorates in multiple locations, operations, and exercises, added Doll. 

“We are and we remain one of the most continuously deployed operational commands in the Army Reserve,” said Doll. 

The ARSC’s mission is to provide key enabling capabilities to the AMC, its major subordinate commands of the Army Sustainment Command and Army Contracting Command. Additionally, the command provides enabling capabilities to the ASA-ALT, DCMA and LOGCAP. 

“Plan, prepare, and provide is not just a concept at the ARSC,” said Doll. “It is our daily reality and this is why I am humbled and honored to lead this diverse and operationally impactful command. A team with unparalleled confidence and agility.”

Doll said to his Soldiers, the velocity of instability is not lessening but growing in complexity every day and there is much work ahead.   

“I look forward to serving with all of you as we continue to deliver the critical and necessary mission support and service to our nation, to the Army, and to our subordinate commands and agencies,” said Doll.