Records Management

The DON CIO provides strategic direction and oversight of DON records management, which is the planning, controlling, directing, organizing, training, promoting and performing of other managerial activities related to the creation, maintenance and use, and disposition of records. Records management is meant to adequately and properly document Federal policies and transactions and to effectively and economically manage agency operations. Records should contain adequate and proper documentation of an agency's organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures and essential transactions. They are designed to furnish the information necessary to protect the legal and financial rights of the government and of those directly affected by agency activities.

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Annual Records Management Training

DTG 151431Z JUN 16 - June 15, 2016

This Naval message states that in addition to the basic records management (RM) training requirement, all DON personnel must be reminded, every year, of their RM responsibilities and that this refresher training is mandatory. View the DON Records Management Training Guide.

DON Records Management Program

SECNAVINST 5210.8E - December 17, 2015

This instruction reissues SECNAVINST 5210.8 to update policy and assigned responsibilities for the life-cycle management (creation, maintenance, use, and disposition) of records in all media, including electronic. Also, the instruction establishes responsibility for the DON Records Management Program in accordance with 44 USC, 36 CFR, DoDI 5015.02, and the 2012 OMB/NARA Managing Government Records Directive.

DON Task And Records Management Systems

DON CIO Memo - April 10, 2014

This memo provides details on a prototype design underway on a Department of the Navy enterprise-wide task management (TM) and records management (RM) system: the DON Tasking, Records, and Consolidated Knowledge Enterprise Repository (TRACKER). DON TRACKER will provide one auditable and compliant RM and TM system for all DON shore-based commands and organizations.

Managing Government Records Directive

OMB/NARA Memo - August 24, 2012

In response to "Presidential Memorandum - Managing Government Records," of Nov. 28, 2011, this directive creates a robust records management framework that complies with statutes and regulations to achieve the benefits outlined in the Presidential Memorandum. It requires that to the fullest extent possible, agencies eliminate paper and use electronic recordkeeping with goals and target dates for completion. It also ...

DON Records Management Manual

SECNAV M-5210.1, Rev. 1, incorporated May 2012 - May 30, 2012

The Department of the Navy Records Management Program establishes policies and procedures for life-cycle management (creation, maintenance, use and disposition) of DON records. This manual provides guidelines and procedures for the proper administration of a records management program. It also contains all DON records disposition schedules approved by the National Archives and Records Administration.

DON Information Technology Policy Guidance for Fiscal Year 2012

DON CIO Memo - December 15, 2011

Since its inception, the focus of the Department of the Navy Information Technology Policy Guidance has been on enabling knowledge dominance by directing that our information management/information technology spending support the creation of a joint, net-centric naval networking environment. The net-centric vision remains a goal, but cutting the Department's IT spending is the priority for 2012. In the face of sharply ...

DITPR-DON Process Guidance v1.0

DON Guidance - December 5, 2011

The Department of Defense Information Technology Portfolio Repository-Department of the Navy (DITPR-DON) process guidance document provides a comprehensive discussion of core DITPR-DON functionality and basic lifecycle transactions. This information will enable all users to gain the understanding necessary to perform the basic IT asset management functions of registering, transferring and archiving DON IT systems within ...

Code of Federal Regulations (32 CFR Part 701)

Availability of DON Records and Publication of DON Documents Affecting the Public - September 10, 2010

Subparts A, B, C and D of 32 CFR Part 701 issue policies and procedures for implementing the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 U.S.C. 552) and Department of Defense Directive 5400.7–R series (the DoD FOIA Program),

DON Standard Subject Identification Code Manual

SECNAV Manual M-5210.2 - July 25, 2008

This manual implements the policy set forth in SECNAVINST 5210.8D: Department of the Navy Records Management Program dated Dec. 31, 2005, regarding Standard Subject Identification Codes (SSIC) and is issued under the authority of SECNAVINST 54307P: Assignment of Responsibilities and Authorities in the Office of the Secretary of the Navy. SECNAV Manual M-5210.2: Department of the Navy SSIC Manual dated Dec. 31, 2005, is ...

Policy for Digital Signature Functionality and Acceptance

USD P&R Policy Memo - December 12, 2006

This memo establishes Department of Defense policy for the adoption and use of digital signature as a standard business practice for all Human Resources Management (HRM) and Compensation business processes that require a signature.

DON Forms Management Manual

SECNAV M-5213.1 - December 31, 2005

This manual implements policy set forth in SECNAVINST 5210.16: Department of the Navy Forms Management and Information Requirements (Reports) Management Programs. The manual specifies procedures for forms management within the DON.

DON Information Requirements (Reports) Manual

SECNAV M-5214.1 - December 31, 2005

This manual implements the policy set forth in SECNAVINST 5210.16: DON Forms Management and Information Requirements (Reports) Management Programs, regarding information collection.

Naval Library and Information Centers

SECNAVINST 5070.2D - December 19, 2005

This instruction issues Department of Navy policy for U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps libraries and information centers. It ensures coordination and resolution of issues and challenges concerning DON libraries and information centers.

Privacy Act of 1974

5 U.S.C. 552a - September 1, 1974

The Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a, establishes a code of fair information practices that governs the collection, maintenance, use and dissemination of personally identifiable information about individuals that is maintained in systems of records by federal agencies. A system of records is a group of records under the control of an agency from which information is retrieved by the name of the individual or by some ...


DON IT West and East 2017 Conference Registration Now Open

October 18, 2016

Registration is now open for the DON IT Conferences, on the West and East Coasts. The DON IT Conference, West Coast has been approved for Feb. 21-23, 2017, at the San Diego Convention Center and the DON IT Conference, East Coast has been approved for May 16-18, 2017 at the Hilton Norfolk The Main.

Navy Mobile Apps Bring Information and Training to Your Smartphone and Tablet

by Rob Foster - May 9, 2016

There are mobile applications for almost everything, and now there are apps that allow Department of the Navy active duty and civilian personnel in any location to access important information and required training on their personal smartphone or tablet. These apps will work on personal devices outside of the Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) domain.

Two New GMT Mobile Apps Released

by Naval Education and Training Command Public Affairs - April 21, 2016

PENSACOLA, Fla. (NNS) -- Two new mobile apps designed for Sailors to complete required Navy General Military Training (GMT) on Records Management (RM) and Privacy and Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Awareness became available April 19.

DON IT Conference Presentations Available

April 19, 2016

Presentations given during the DON IT conference sessions held in Washington, DC, April 20-21 are now available by request. Please submit your request by using the "Contact Us" link located in the DON CIO Information section.

Building on DON Success; Meeting New Challenges

by Barbara Hoffman - June 9, 2014

It has been a privilege to serve in leadership positions for the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer, including as Director of both the E-business and Investment Management teams, Principal Deputy for two very talented DON CIOs, and now as the DON CIO (Acting). Our business IT environment has evolved dramatically over this timeframe, in technology advances as well as in operational and fiscal challenges.

Enterprise-Wide Task/Records Management System Coming Soon To The Department

April 10, 2014

As detailed in a DON CIO memo released April 10, prototype design is underway on a DON enterprise-wide task management (TM) and records management (RM) system: the DON Tasking, Records, and Consolidated Knowledge Enterprise Repository (TRACKER). DON TRACKER will provide one auditable and compliant RM and TM system for all DON shore-based commands and organizations.

Records Management Refresher Training Required

January 14, 2013

DON personnel are required to take mandatory records management refresher training each year. Training for FY13 must be completed by DON military, government civilians, and contractors by Jan. 30, 2013. ...

Rules for Handling PII by DON Contractor Support Personnel

by the DON Privacy Team - March 10, 2011

The following Privacy Tip provides existing policy guidance and best business practices for contract support personnel who handle personally identifiable information. Office of the Secretary of Defense Memo dated June 05, 2009, "Safeguarding Against and Responding to the Breach of Personally Identifiable Information (PII)" and SECNAV INST 5211.5E: "SECNAV Privacy Program" apply.

Elements of a Good Privacy Program

by DON CIO Privacy Team - October 12, 2010

This Privacy Tip will be published in two parts and serves as a best practices guide to help Department of the Navy commands/units implement and sustain privacy awareness and better safeguard personally identifiable information within their control.

PII and Records Management

by DON CIO Privacy Team - November 4, 2009

A successful command privacy program must include an aggressive records review and disposal component. While hard copy files cannot be ignored, the volume of electronic data files is a much larger issue and must be aggressively addressed by local commands/units.

Records Management Self-Evaluation Checklist Available

by DON CIO KM/RM Team - February 6, 2009

A self-evaluation checklist with which U.S. Navy commands, activities, and offices and Secretary of the Navy Secretariat offices can appraise compliance of their records management programs is now available. The Automated Inspection Reporting System (AIRS) checklist 61, Marine Corps Records Management Program, is a similar document applicable to the U.S. Marine Corps.

Updated DON SSIC Manual Available

August 19, 2008

The recently signed SECNAV Manual M-5210.2: Department of the Navy Standard Subject Identification Code (SSIC) Manual specifies filing and record maintenance procedures and provides SSICs for the DON. The SSICs are the standard system of numbers and letter symbols used throughout the DON for categorizing departmental documentary material by subject. SSICs serve as the taxonomy for all departm

Records Management Web-Based Training Courses Available on NKO

March 20, 2007

Four web-based records management training courses have been developed and are available on Navy Knowledge Online (NKO).


DON Records Management Training Guide

June 2, 2016

This guide fulfills the requirement that Department of the Navy personnel (military, government civilian and contractor) be reminded each year of their records management responsibilities.

DON Records Management Officer Contact Information and Records Management Links

September 16, 2014

The DON Records Officer is in the Department of the Navy Assistant for Administration Directives and Records Management Division (DON/AA DRMD). DON/AA DRMD is responsible for the management of the Secretariat and Navy Records Management Program in accordance with Title 44 U.S.C., 36 C.F.R., OMB Directive M-12-18, OMB Circular A-130, DODD 5015.2, SECNAV Instructions 5210.8D and 5211.5E, OPNAVINST 5210.20, and SECNAV ...

HP TRIM Help Desk

September 16, 2014

The authorized repository for SECNAV and CNO records is HP Total Records Information Management (TRIM).

Privacy Act System of Records Notices

April 8, 2013

The Privacy Act allows executive branch agencies to collect, maintain and disseminate information on individuals affiliated with that agency. The Department of the Navy does not maintain information about individuals who have never been affiliated with the Department. The DON's inventory of Privacy Act System of Records Notices (SORNs) identifies under "exemptions claimed for this system" those systems that are exempt ...

DON IT Policy Roundup for FY 2013

February 21, 2013

The Department of the Navy Information Technology Policy Roundup for fiscal year (FY) 2013 provides a summary of policies affecting IT projects and programs. For more detail, please review the entire policy at the links provided.

Privacy Act Resources

by DON CIO Privacy Team - October 19, 2010

The following resources are intended to supplement SECNAVINST 5211.5E: "DON Privacy Program" and should prove useful to Privacy Act coordinators. Please submit suggestions for additions to this list to the Ask an Expert section of the website. Select the topic: "Privacy Act."

How to Make a Privacy Act Request

by DON CIO Privacy Team - September 15, 2010

To make a Privacy Act (PA) request, label the request itself and the envelope: "PRIVACY ACT REQUEST." Identify the specific PA system of records notices you wish to have searched. (See index of PA System of Records Notices and submit your request according to the requirements set forth under "Record Access Procedures.") PA requests must be signed, so we cannot accept email requests.

Department of Defense SORN Training Materials

by DON CIO Privacy Team - August 25, 2010

The two documents attached below were provided by the Defense Privacy and Civil Liberties Office. One is a presentation on System of Records Notices (SORNs), and the other is an example of a Navy SORN.

Acceptable Use Criteria for Systems Collecting SSNs

by DON CIO Privacy Team - July 12, 2010

The following is a list of 12 acceptable use criteria for systems requesting the use of Social Security numbers.

General Records Schedule

by DON CIO KM/RM Team - April 21, 2009

General Records Schedules (GRS) are issued by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to provide disposition authorization for records common to several or all agencies of the Federal Government. GRS cover records documenting administrative, or housekeeping, functions, rather than program functions. Most records described in a GRS are temporary, although the GRS also includes the disposition of some ...

Navy Records Management Program Self-Evaluation Checklist

February 3, 2009

Recently, the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer developed, in conjunction with several records management (RM) stakeholders, a self-evaluation checklist with which U. S. Navy commands, activities, and offices and Secretary of the Navy Secretariat offices can appraise compliance of their records management programs.