Fleet and Family Readiness

Fleet and Family Readiness Programs at Commander, Navy Installations Command is responsible for policy development, resourcing and oversight of quality of life programs for Sailors and their families. The mission of the Fleet and Family Readiness team is to maximize the physical, emotional and social development of the Navy family. Fleet and Family Readiness enables a ready Navy force through its Fleet Readiness, Family Readiness and Navy Housing Programs. It also includes the Support Services Center and the Navy Wounded Warrior – Safe Harbor Program.

Family Readiness includes the Fleet and Family Support Program and Emergency Response.

The Fleet and Family Support Program provides services through Fleet and Family Support Centers, such as relocation assistance, new parent support, deployment services, clinical counseling services, financial management counseling, family employment services, family advocacy and the transition assistance programs.

The Emergency Response Program manages Navy Installations Command’s response plans to provide assistance to the Navy Family during a disaster.

Fleet Readiness is comprised of Morale, Welfare and Recreation Programs, official and recreational lodging, and food and beverage operations. These services include:

Navy Housing manages housing Navywide, including permanent party family housing and unaccompanied housing. Focused on assisting Sailors, both single and those with families, receive suitable, affordable and safe housing wherever they are assigned, Navy Housing provides a key quality of life program that is essential to personal and family readiness. Navy Housing achieves this objective through Navy-owned/leased housing, privatized housing and community housing.

The Support Services Center supports the other four divisions and regional Fleet and Family Readiness Service Centers through a consolidation of management support functions, such as NAF financial management, marketing, training, NAF human resources, facilities and acquisition, information technology, and management evaluation and assistance.

Navy Wounded Warrior – Safe Harbor coordinates the non-medical care of seriously wounded, ill and injured Sailors and Coast Guardsmen, and provides resources and support to their families. Through proactive leadership, Navy Wounded Warrior offers individually-tailored assistance to ensure enrollees’ successful recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration. Enrollment in the program is available to service members wounded in combat, as well as to those diagnosed with a serious illness or injured in shipboard, training and liberty accidents. Enrollment lasts a lifetime.

The program is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and Non-medical Care Managers are located at Military Treatment Facilities and VA Polytrauma Centers throughout the continental United States. The program’s goal is to return Sailors and Coast Guardsmen to duty and, when that’s not possible, to work collaboratively with federal agencies, and state and local organizations to ease them back into their communities.

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